Netsight is a tool for the visual exploratory data analysis of large-scale network and relational data sets. It uses the Java Universal Network/Graph (JUNG) library to represent, analyze, and visualize network data.
Run Netsight using JavaTM Web Start.
Java Web Start is a deployment mechanism for Java applications over the Web that operates with a single click. When you click on the Run Netsight link, you will be prompted to open the file "netsight.jnlp" with Java Web Start* if you have it installed. Click Okay and then it will download the required files for running Netsight. Lastly, you will be prompted to allow the application unrestricted access to your machine. Click Start to finish the installation process.
*Java Web Start is installed with your Java SDK/JRE. For installation instructions, follow the standard installation instructions for the SDK/JRE you are installing.
Download Netsight and its dependent Jar files as a Zip file: Download Netsight
To run Netsight, unzip '' to a directory. If you're a Windows user, run 'netsight.bat' in the directory where you unzipped ''. Otherwise, run the command 'java -Xms256m -Xmx512m -cp jars/commons-collections-3.0.jar;jars/colt.jar;jars/scott.jar;jars/jung-1.3.0.jar -jar netsight.jar' in the abovementioned directory.