Interface IterativeContext

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractIterativeScorer, AbstractIterativeScorerWithPriors, AbstractRanker, AggregateLayout, BetweennessCentrality, CachingLayout, DAGLayout, EdmondsKarpMaxFlow, EigenvectorCentrality, FRLayout, FRLayout, FRLayout2, HITS, HITSWithPriors, ISOMLayout, ISOMLayout, IterativeProcess, KKLayout, KStepMarkov, KStepMarkov, LayoutDecorator, LayoutDecorator, LayoutEventBroadcaster, LayoutTransition, MarkovCentrality, ObservableCachingLayout, PageRank, PageRankWithPriors, PersistentLayoutImpl, RandomWalkBetweenness, RandomWalkSTBetweenness, RelativeAuthorityRanker, SpringLayout, SpringLayout, SpringLayout2, VoltageScorer, WeightedNIPaths

public interface IterativeContext

An interface for algorithms that proceed iteratively.

Method Summary
 boolean done()
          Returns true if this iterative process is finished, and false otherwise.
 void step()
          Advances one step.

Method Detail


void step()
Advances one step.


boolean done()
Returns true if this iterative process is finished, and false otherwise.

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