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We are very grateful for all of the feedback we have been getting for JUNG. We are especially grateful to those who have contributed source code. Below is a list of people we are indebted to (in alphabetical order by last name):

Michael Boeni

Michael has provided a great deal of useful feedback, bug reports, and suggested fixes.

Ulrik Brandes

Ulrik has given us feedback for implementing his betweenness centrality algorithm.

Christopher Brooks

Christopher has contributed an implementation of the Watts-Strogatz beta model for graph generation.

Vincent Descargues

Vincent has given us a great deal of feedback including several bug reports.

Masanori Harada

Masanori has contributed an implementation of the Kamada-Kawai layout algorithm.

Dirk Koschuetzki

Dirk pointed out some things that needed fixing.

Jens Krefeldt

Jens contributed some useful ideas for user data change listeners.

Mark Newman

Mark has provided feedback relating to the implementations for several algorithms.

Tom Nelson

Tom contributed some enhancements to VisualizationViewer, including tooltip visualization and zooming and panning support.

Pablo Olmos

Pablo contributed a prototype graph merging routine.

Pietro Pilolli

Pietro contributed some fixes to the GraphML parser.

Christoph Schmitz

Christoph contributed a bug fix and some code to the shortest path algorithms.

Padhraic Smyth

Padhraic has provided funding and important suggestions for the project.

Emanuel Winterfors

Emanuel contributed code for visualizing mutable graphs.

Douglas White

Douglas has provided numerous suggestions for improvement.

John Yesberg

John has provided us with visualization and I/O routines.


JUNG is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. IIS-0083489 and IIS-0133749 and by the Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination (KD-D) Program.