Package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.generators.random

Methods for generating random graphs with various properties.


Class Summary
BarabasiAlbertGenerator<V,E> Simple evolving scale-free random graph generator.
EppsteinPowerLawGenerator<V,E> Graph generator that generates undirected graphs with power-law degree distributions.
ErdosRenyiGenerator<V,E> Generates a random graph using the Erdos-Renyi binomial model (each pair of vertices is connected with probability p).
KleinbergSmallWorldGenerator<V,E> Graph generator that produces a random graph with small world properties.
MixedRandomGraphGenerator Generates a mixed-mode random graph based on the output of BarabasiAlbertGenerator.

Package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.generators.random Description

Methods for generating random graphs with various properties. These include: