Package edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util

Utility interfaces and classes for the JUNG API.


Interface Summary
EdgeIndexFunction<V,E> An interface for a service to access the index of a given edge (in a given graph) into the set formed by the given edge and all the other edges it is parallel to.

Class Summary
Context<G,E> A class that is used to link together a graph element and a specific graph.
DefaultParallelEdgeIndexFunction<V,E> A class which creates and maintains indices for parallel edges.
Graphs Provides specialized implementations of GraphDecorator.
IncidentEdgeIndexFunction<V,E> A class which creates and maintains indices for incident edges.
Pair<T> An implementation of Collection that stores exactly 2 non-null objects and is not mutable.
TestGraphs Provides generators for several different test graphs.
TreeUtils Contains static methods for operating on instances of Tree.

Enum Summary
EdgeType Defines the possible edge types for graphs which assign types to edges.

Package edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util Description

Utility interfaces and classes for the JUNG API. These include:

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