Interface PickedState<T>

All Superinterfaces:
ItemSelectable, PickedInfo<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPickedState, MultiPickedState

public interface PickedState<T>
extends PickedInfo<T>, ItemSelectable

An interface for classes that keep track of the "picked" state of edges or vertices.

Tom Nelson, Joshua O'Madadhain

Method Summary
 void clear()
          Clears the "picked" state from all elements.
 Set<T> getPicked()
          Returns all "picked" elements.
 boolean isPicked(T v)
          Returns true if v is currently "picked".
 boolean pick(T v, boolean b)
          Marks v as "picked" if b == true, and unmarks v as picked if b == false.
Methods inherited from interface java.awt.ItemSelectable
addItemListener, getSelectedObjects, removeItemListener

Method Detail


boolean pick(T v,
             boolean b)
Marks v as "picked" if b == true, and unmarks v as picked if b == false.

the "picked" state of v prior to this call


void clear()
Clears the "picked" state from all elements.


Set<T> getPicked()
Returns all "picked" elements.


boolean isPicked(T v)
Returns true if v is currently "picked".

Specified by:
isPicked in interface PickedInfo<T>

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