Uses of Class

Packages that use MutableTransformerDecorator
edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.transform Visualization mechanisms related to transformations, including lens effects. 
edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.transform.shape Visualization mechanisms related to transformation of graph element shapes. 

Uses of MutableTransformerDecorator in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.jai

Subclasses of MutableTransformerDecorator in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.jai
 class PerspectiveShapeTransformer
          PerspectiveShapeTransformer extends PerspectiveTransformer and adds implementations for methods in ShapeTransformer.
 class PerspectiveTransformer
          PerspectiveTransformer wraps a MutableAffineTransformer and modifies the transform and inverseTransform methods so that they create a perspective projection of the graph points.

Uses of MutableTransformerDecorator in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.transform

Subclasses of MutableTransformerDecorator in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.transform
 class HyperbolicTransformer
          HyperbolicTransformer wraps a MutableAffineTransformer and modifies the transform and inverseTransform methods so that they create a fisheye projection of the graph points, with points near the center spread out and points near the edges collapsed onto the circumference of an ellipse.
 class LensTransformer
          LensTransformer wraps a MutableAffineTransformer and modifies the transform and inverseTransform methods so that they create a projection of the graph points within an elliptical lens.
 class MagnifyTransformer
          MagnifyTransformer wraps a MutableAffineTransformer and modifies the transform and inverseTransform methods so that they create an enlarging projection of the graph points.

Uses of MutableTransformerDecorator in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.transform.shape

Subclasses of MutableTransformerDecorator in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.transform.shape
 class HyperbolicShapeTransformer
          HyperbolicShapeTransformer extends HyperbolicTransformer and adds implementations for methods in ShapeFlatnessTransformer.
 class MagnifyShapeTransformer
          MagnifyShapeTransformer extends MagnifyTransformer and adds implementations for methods in ShapeTransformer.

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