Class BicomponentClusterer<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.cluster.BicomponentClusterer<V,E>

public class BicomponentClusterer<V,E>
extends Object

Finds all biconnected components (bicomponents) of an undirected graph. A graph is a biconnected component if at least 2 vertices must be removed in order to disconnect the graph. (Graphs consisting of one vertex, or of two connected vertices, are also biconnected.) Biconnected components of three or more vertices have the property that every pair of vertices in the component are connected by two or more vertex-disjoint paths.

Running time: O(|V| + |E|) where |V| is the number of vertices and |E| is the number of edges

Joshua O'Madadhain
See Also:
"Depth first search and linear graph algorithms by R. E. Tarjan (1972), SIAM J. Comp."

Field Summary
protected  int converse_depth
protected  Map<V,Number> dfs_num
protected  Map<V,Number> high
protected  Map<V,V> parents
protected  Stack<E> stack
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new bicomponent finder
Method Summary
protected  void findBiconnectedComponents(UndirectedGraph<V,E> g, V v, Set<Set<V>> bicomponents)
          Stores, in bicomponents, all the biconnected components that are reachable from v.
 Set<Set<V>> transform(UndirectedGraph<V,E> theGraph)
          Extracts the bicomponents from the graph.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Map<V,Number> dfs_num


protected Map<V,Number> high


protected Map<V,V> parents


protected Stack<E> stack


protected int converse_depth
Constructor Detail


public BicomponentClusterer()
Constructs a new bicomponent finder

Method Detail


public Set<Set<V>> transform(UndirectedGraph<V,E> theGraph)
Extracts the bicomponents from the graph.

theGraph - the graph whose bicomponents are to be extracted
the ClusterSet of bicomponents


protected void findBiconnectedComponents(UndirectedGraph<V,E> g,
                                         V v,
                                         Set<Set<V>> bicomponents)

Stores, in bicomponents, all the biconnected components that are reachable from v.

The algorithm basically proceeds as follows: do a depth-first traversal starting from v, marking each vertex with a value that indicates the order in which it was encountered (dfs_num), and with a value that indicates the highest point in the DFS tree that is known to be reachable from this vertex using non-DFS edges (high). (Since it is measured on non-DFS edges, "high" tells you how far back in the DFS tree you can reach by two distinct paths, hence biconnectivity.) Each time a new vertex w is encountered, push the edge just traversed on a stack, and call this method recursively. If w.high is no greater than v.dfs_num, then the contents of the stack down to (v,w) is a biconnected component (and v is an articulation point, that is, a component boundary). In either case, set v.high to max(v.high, w.high), and continue. If w has already been encountered but is not v's parent, set v.high max(v.high, w.dfs_num) and continue.

(In case anyone cares, the version of this algorithm on p. 224 of Udi Manber's "Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach" seems to be wrong: the stack should be initialized outside this method, (v,w) should only be put on the stack if w hasn't been seen already, and there's no real benefit to putting v on the stack separately: just check for (v,w) on the stack rather than v. Had I known this, I could have saved myself a few days. JRTOM)

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