Class EdmondsKarpMaxFlow<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.util.IterativeProcess
      extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.flows.EdmondsKarpMaxFlow<V,E>
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EdmondsKarpMaxFlow<V,E>
extends IterativeProcess

Implements the Edmonds-Karp maximum flow algorithm for solving the maximum flow problem. After the algorithm is executed, the input Map is populated with a Number for each edge that indicates the flow along that edge.

An example of using this algorithm is as follows:

 EdmondsKarpMaxFlow ek = new EdmondsKarpMaxFlow(graph, source, sink, edge_capacities, edge_flows, 
 ek.evaluate(); // This instructs the class to compute the max flow

Scott White, adapted to jung2 by Tom Nelson
See Also:
"Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein.", "Network Flows by Ahuja, Magnanti, and Orlin.", "Theoretical improvements in algorithmic efficiency for network flow problems by Edmonds and Karp, 1972."

Constructor Summary
EdmondsKarpMaxFlow(DirectedGraph<V,E> directedGraph, V source, V sink,  edgeCapacityTransformer, Map<E,Number> edgeFlowMap,  edgeFactory)
          Constructs a new instance of the algorithm solver for a given graph, source, and sink.
Method Summary
protected  void finalizeIterations()
          Perform eventual clean-up operations (must be implement by subclass when needed).
 DirectedGraph<V,E> getFlowGraph()
          Returns the graph for which the maximum flow is calculated.
 int getMaxFlow()
          Returns the value of the maximum flow from the source to the sink.
 Set<E> getMinCutEdges()
          Returns the edges in the minimum cut.
 Set<V> getNodesInSinkPartition()
          Returns the nodes which share the same partition (as defined by the min-cut edges) as the sink node.
 Set<V> getNodesInSourcePartition()
          Returns the nodes which share the same partition (as defined by the min-cut edges) as the source node.
protected  boolean hasAugmentingPath()
protected  void initializeIterations()
          Initializes internal parameters to start the iterative process.
 void step()
          Evaluate the result of the current iteration.
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.util.IterativeProcess
done, evaluate, getDesiredPrecision, getIterations, getMaximumIterations, getPrecision, hasConverged, relativePrecision, reset, setDesiredPrecision, setMaximumIterations, setPrecision
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EdmondsKarpMaxFlow(DirectedGraph<V,E> directedGraph,
                          V source,
                          V sink,
                          Map<E,Number> edgeFlowMap,
Constructs a new instance of the algorithm solver for a given graph, source, and sink. Source and sink vertices must be elements of the specified graph, and must be distinct.

directedGraph - the flow graph
source - the source vertex
sink - the sink vertex
edgeCapacityTransformer - the transformer that gets the capacity for each edge.
edgeFlowMap - the map where the solver will place the value of the flow for each edge
edgeFactory - used to create new edge instances for backEdges
Method Detail


protected boolean hasAugmentingPath()


public void step()
Description copied from class: IterativeProcess
Evaluate the result of the current iteration.

Specified by:
step in interface IterativeContext
Specified by:
step in class IterativeProcess


public int getMaxFlow()
Returns the value of the maximum flow from the source to the sink.


public Set<V> getNodesInSinkPartition()
Returns the nodes which share the same partition (as defined by the min-cut edges) as the sink node.


public Set<V> getNodesInSourcePartition()
Returns the nodes which share the same partition (as defined by the min-cut edges) as the source node.


public Set<E> getMinCutEdges()
Returns the edges in the minimum cut.


public DirectedGraph<V,E> getFlowGraph()
Returns the graph for which the maximum flow is calculated.


protected void initializeIterations()
Description copied from class: IterativeProcess
Initializes internal parameters to start the iterative process.

initializeIterations in class IterativeProcess


protected void finalizeIterations()
Description copied from class: IterativeProcess
Perform eventual clean-up operations (must be implement by subclass when needed).

finalizeIterations in class IterativeProcess

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