Class RandomWalkSTBetweenness<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.util.IterativeProcess
      extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.importance.AbstractRanker<V,E>
          extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.importance.RandomWalkSTBetweenness<V,E>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class RandomWalkSTBetweenness<V,E>
extends AbstractRanker<V,E>

/** Computes s-t betweenness centrality for each vertex in the graph. The betweenness values in this case are based on random walks, measuring the expected number of times a node is traversed by a random walk from s to t. The result is that each vertex has a UserData element of type MutableDouble whose key is 'centrality.RandomWalkBetweennessCentrality' A simple example of usage is:
RandomWalkSTBetweenness ranker = new RandomWalkBetweenness(someGraph,someSource,someTarget);

Running time is: O(n^3).

Scott White
See Also:
"Mark Newman: A measure of betweenness centrality based on random walks, 2002."

Field Summary
static String CENTRALITY
Fields inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.importance.AbstractRanker
edgeRankScores, vertexRankScores
Constructor Summary
RandomWalkSTBetweenness(UndirectedGraph<V,E> g, V s, V t)
          Constructor which initializes the algorithm
Method Summary
protected  void computeBetweenness()
 double computeSTBetweenness(V ithVertex, V source, V target)
protected   getIndexer()
 String getRankScoreKey()
          the user datum key used to store the rank scores
protected  DoubleMatrix2D getVoltageMatrix()
protected  void setUp()
 void step()
          Evaluate the result of the current iteration.
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.importance.AbstractRanker
assignDefaultEdgeTransitionWeights, finalizeIterations, getEdgeRankScore, getEdgeRankScore, getEdgeRankScores, getEdgeRankScores, getEdgeWeight, getEdgeWeights, getGraph, getRankings, getRankScores, getVertexCount, getVertexRankScore, getVertexRankScore, getVertexRankScores, getVertexRankScores, getVertices, initialize, isRankingEdges, isRankingNodes, normalizeEdgeTransitionWeights, normalizeRankings, onFinalize, printRankings, removeEdgeRankScore, removeEdgeRankScore, removeVertexRankScore, removeVertexRankScore, reset, setEdgeRankScore, setEdgeRankScore, setEdgeWeight, setEdgeWeights, setNormalizeRankings, setRemoveRankScoresOnFinalize, setVertexRankScore, setVertexRankScore
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.util.IterativeProcess
done, evaluate, getDesiredPrecision, getIterations, getMaximumIterations, getPrecision, hasConverged, initializeIterations, relativePrecision, setDesiredPrecision, setMaximumIterations, setPrecision
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String CENTRALITY
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public RandomWalkSTBetweenness(UndirectedGraph<V,E> g,
                               V s,
                               V t)
Constructor which initializes the algorithm

g - the graph whose nodes are to be analyzed
s - the source vertex
t - the target vertex
Method Detail


protected  getIndexer()


protected DoubleMatrix2D getVoltageMatrix()


protected void setUp()


protected void computeBetweenness()


public double computeSTBetweenness(V ithVertex,
                                   V source,
                                   V target)


public String getRankScoreKey()
the user datum key used to store the rank scores

Specified by:
getRankScoreKey in class AbstractRanker<V,E>
the key


public void step()
Description copied from class: IterativeProcess
Evaluate the result of the current iteration.

Specified by:
step in interface IterativeContext
Specified by:
step in class IterativeProcess

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