Class WeightedNIPaths<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.util.IterativeProcess
      extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.importance.AbstractRanker<V,E>
          extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.importance.WeightedNIPaths<V,E>
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WeightedNIPaths<V,E>
extends AbstractRanker<V,E>

This algorithm measures the importance of nodes based upon both the number and length of disjoint paths that lead to a given node from each of the nodes in the root set. Specifically the formula for measuring the importance of a node is given by: I(t|R) = sum_i=1_|P(r,t)|_{alpha^|p_i|} where alpha is the path decay coefficient, p_i is path i and P(r,t) is a set of maximum-sized node-disjoint paths from r to t.

This algorithm uses heuristic breadth-first search to try and find the maximum-sized set of node-disjoint paths between two nodes. As such, it is not guaranteed to give exact answers.

A simple example of usage is:

 WeightedNIPaths ranker = new WeightedNIPaths(someGraph,2.0,6,rootSet);

Scott White
See Also:
"Algorithms for Estimating Relative Importance in Graphs by Scott White and Padhraic Smyth, 2003"

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.importance.AbstractRanker
edgeRankScores, vertexRankScores
Constructor Summary
WeightedNIPaths(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph,  vertexFactory,  edgeFactory, double alpha, int maxDepth, Set<V> priors)
          Constructs and initializes the algorithm.
Method Summary
protected  void computeWeightedPathsFromSource(V root, int depth)
 String getRankScoreKey()
          Given a node, returns the corresponding rank score.
protected  void incrementRankScore(V v, double rankValue)
protected  void onFinalize(Object udc)
 void step()
          Evaluate the result of the current iteration.
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.importance.AbstractRanker
assignDefaultEdgeTransitionWeights, finalizeIterations, getEdgeRankScore, getEdgeRankScore, getEdgeRankScores, getEdgeRankScores, getEdgeWeight, getEdgeWeights, getGraph, getRankings, getRankScores, getVertexCount, getVertexRankScore, getVertexRankScore, getVertexRankScores, getVertexRankScores, getVertices, initialize, isRankingEdges, isRankingNodes, normalizeEdgeTransitionWeights, normalizeRankings, printRankings, removeEdgeRankScore, removeEdgeRankScore, removeVertexRankScore, removeVertexRankScore, reset, setEdgeRankScore, setEdgeRankScore, setEdgeWeight, setEdgeWeights, setNormalizeRankings, setRemoveRankScoresOnFinalize, setVertexRankScore, setVertexRankScore
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.util.IterativeProcess
done, evaluate, getDesiredPrecision, getIterations, getMaximumIterations, getPrecision, hasConverged, initializeIterations, relativePrecision, setDesiredPrecision, setMaximumIterations, setPrecision
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String WEIGHTED_NIPATHS_KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public WeightedNIPaths(DirectedGraph<V,E> graph,
                       double alpha,
                       int maxDepth,
                       Set<V> priors)
Constructs and initializes the algorithm.

graph - the graph whose nodes are being measured for their importance
alpha - the path decay coefficient (>= 1); 2 is recommended
maxDepth - the maximal depth to search out from the root set
priors - the root set (starting vertices)
Method Detail


protected void incrementRankScore(V v,
                                  double rankValue)


protected void computeWeightedPathsFromSource(V root,
                                              int depth)


public void step()
Description copied from class: IterativeProcess
Evaluate the result of the current iteration.

Specified by:
step in interface IterativeContext
Specified by:
step in class IterativeProcess


public String getRankScoreKey()
Given a node, returns the corresponding rank score. This implementation of getRankScore assumes the decoration representing the rank score is of type MutableDouble.

Specified by:
getRankScoreKey in class AbstractRanker<V,E>
the rank score for this node


protected void onFinalize(Object udc)
onFinalize in class AbstractRanker<V,E>

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