Interface GraphElementAccessor<V,E>

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClassicPickSupport, ClosestShapePickSupport, LayoutLensShapePickSupport, RadiusGraphElementAccessor, RadiusPickSupport, ShapePickSupport, ViewLensShapePickSupport

public interface GraphElementAccessor<V,E>

Interface for coordinate-based selection of graph components.

Tom Nelson, Joshua O'Madadhain

Method Summary
 E getEdge(Layout<V,E> layout, double x, double y)
          Returns an edge which is associated with the location (x,y).
 V getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout, double x, double y)
          Returns a vertex which is associated with the location (x,y).
 Collection<V> getVertices(Layout<V,E> layout, Shape rectangle)
          Returns the vertices contained within rectangle relative to layout.

Method Detail


V getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout,
            double x,
            double y)
Returns a vertex which is associated with the location (x,y). This is typically determined with respect to the vertex's location as specified by a Layout.


Collection<V> getVertices(Layout<V,E> layout,
                          Shape rectangle)
Returns the vertices contained within rectangle relative to layout.


E getEdge(Layout<V,E> layout,
          double x,
          double y)
Returns an edge which is associated with the location (x,y). This is typically determined with respect to the edge's location as specified by a Layout.

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