Uses of Interface

Packages that use Layout

Uses of Layout in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout3d

Classes in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout3d that implement Layout
 class AbstractLayout<V,E>
          Implements some of the dirty work of writing a layout algorithm, allowing the user to express their major intent more simply.
 class FRLayout<V,E>
          Implements the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm for node layout.
 class ISOMLayout<V,E>
          Implements a self-organizing map layout algorithm, based on Meyer's self-organizing graph methods.
 class SpringLayout<V,E>
          The SpringLayout package represents a visualization of a set of nodes.

Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout3d with parameters of type Layout
 V GraphElementAccessor.getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout, javax.vecmath.Point3f p)
          Returns a Vertex which is associated with the location (x,y).
 V RadiusGraphElementAccessor.getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout, javax.vecmath.Point3f p)
          Gets the vertex nearest to the location of the (x,y) location selected, within a distance of maxDistance.
 V RadiusGraphElementAccessor.getVertex(Layout<V,E> layout, javax.vecmath.Point3f p, double maxDistance)
          Gets the vertex nearest to the location of the (x,y) location selected, within a distance of maxDistance.

Uses of Layout in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization3d

Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization3d that return Layout
 Layout<V,E> VisualizationViewer.getGraphLayout()

Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization3d with parameters of type Layout
 void VisualizationViewer.setGraphLayout(Layout<V,E> inLayout)

Uses of Layout in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization3d.layout

Classes in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization3d.layout that implement Layout
 class LayoutDecorator<V,E>
          a pure decorator for the Layout interface.
 class LayoutEventBroadcaster<V,E>
          A LayoutDecorator the fires ChangeEvents when certain methods are called.

Fields in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization3d.layout declared as Layout
protected  Layout<V,E> LayoutDecorator.delegate

Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization3d.layout that return Layout
 Layout LayoutDecorator.getDelegate()
          getter for the delegate

Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization3d.layout with parameters of type Layout
 void LayoutDecorator.setDelegate(Layout<V,E> delegate)
          setter for the delegate

Constructors in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization3d.layout with parameters of type Layout
LayoutDecorator(Layout<V,E> delegate)
LayoutEventBroadcaster(Layout<V,E> delegate)

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