Class RealMatrixElementOperations<E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.matrix.RealMatrixElementOperations<E>
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RealMatrixElementOperations<E>
extends Object
implements MatrixElementOperations<E>

Implements the basic matrix operations on double-precision values. Assumes that the edges have a MutableDouble value.

Joshua O'Madadhain

Constructor Summary
RealMatrixElementOperations(Map<E,Number> edgeData)
          Creates an instance using the specified edge values.
Method Summary
 Number computePathData(E e1, E e2)
          If either e1 or e2 is null, the Object reference returned should be null.
 Map<E,Number> getEdgeData()
          Returns a map from edges to values.
 void mergePaths(E e, Object pathData)
          If either e or pathData is null, the effect of mergePaths() is implementation-dependent.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RealMatrixElementOperations(Map<E,Number> edgeData)
Creates an instance using the specified edge values.

Method Detail


public void mergePaths(E e,
                       Object pathData)
Description copied from interface: MatrixElementOperations
If either e or pathData is null, the effect of mergePaths() is implementation-dependent.

Specified by:
mergePaths in interface MatrixElementOperations<E>
e - (possibly) existing edge in the output graph which represents a path in the input graph(s)
pathData - data (which represents another path with the same source and destination as e in the input graphs) which is to be merged into e
See Also:
MatrixElementOperations.mergePaths(Object, Object)


public Number computePathData(E e1,
                              E e2)
Description copied from interface: MatrixElementOperations
If either e1 or e2 is null, the Object reference returned should be null.

Specified by:
computePathData in interface MatrixElementOperations<E>
e1 - first edge from 2-edge path in input graph(s)
e2 - second edge from 2-edge path in input graph(s)
aggregation of data from the edges of the 2-edge path (from source of e1 to destination of e2) comprised of (e1, e2)
See Also:
MatrixElementOperations.computePathData(Object, Object)


public Map<E,Number> getEdgeData()
Description copied from interface: MatrixElementOperations
Returns a map from edges to values.

Specified by:
getEdgeData in interface MatrixElementOperations<E>
the edgeData

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