Class AbstractIterativeScorer<V,E,T>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.AbstractIterativeScorer<V,E,T>
All Implemented Interfaces:
VertexScorer<V,T>, IterativeContext
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractIterativeScorerWithPriors, VoltageScorer

public abstract class AbstractIterativeScorer<V,E,T>
extends Object
implements IterativeContext, VertexScorer<V,T>

An abstract class for algorithms that assign scores to vertices based on iterative methods. Generally, any (concrete) subclass will function by creating an instance, and then either calling evaluate (if the user wants to iterate until the algorithms is 'done') or repeatedly call step (if the user wants to observe the values at each step).

Field Summary
protected   edge_weights
          The edge weights used by this algorithm.
protected  Hypergraph<V,E> graph
          The graph on which the calculations are to be made.
protected  boolean hyperedges_are_self_loops
protected  double max_delta
          The largest change seen so far among all vertex scores.
protected  int max_iterations
          Maximum number of iterations to use before terminating.
protected  boolean output_reversed
          Indicates whether the output and current values are in a 'swapped' state.
protected  double tolerance
          Minimum change from one step to the next; if all changes are <= tolerance, no further updates will occur.
protected  int total_iterations
          The total number of iterations used so far.
Constructor Summary
AbstractIterativeScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> g)
          Creates an instance for the specified graph g.
AbstractIterativeScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> g,  edge_weights)
          Creates an instance for the specified graph and edge weights.
Method Summary
 void acceptDisconnectedGraph(boolean accept)
          Specifies whether this instance should accept vertices with no outgoing edges.
protected  void afterStep()
protected  void collectDisappearingPotential(V v)
          Collects the 'potential' from v (its current value) if it has no outgoing edges; this can then be redistributed among the other vertices as a means of normalization.
 boolean done()
          Returns true if the total number of iterations is greater than or equal to max_iterations or if the maximum value change observed is less than tolerance.
 void evaluate()
          Steps through this scoring algorithm until a termination condition is reached.
protected  int getAdjustedIncidentCount(E e)
          Returns the effective number of vertices incident to this edge.
protected  T getCurrentValue(V v)
          Gets the current value for this vertex
protected  Number getEdgeWeight(V v, E e)
          Gets the edge weight for e in the context of its (incident) vertex v.
          Returns the Transformer that this instance uses to associate edge weights with each edge.
 int getIterations()
          Returns the number of iterations that this instance has used so far.
 int getMaxIterations()
          Returns the maximum number of iterations that this instance will use.
protected  T getOutputValue(V v)
          Gets the output value for this vertex.
 double getTolerance()
          Gets the size of the largest change (difference between the current and previous values) for any vertex that can be tolerated.
 T getVertexScore(V v)
          Returns the algorithm's score for this vertex.
protected  void initialize()
          Initializes the internal state for this instance.
 boolean isDisconnectedGraphOK()
          Returns true if this instance accepts vertices with no outgoing edges, and false otherwise.
protected  void setCurrentValue(V v, T value)
          Sets the current value for this vertex.
 void setEdgeWeights( edge_weights)
          Sets the Transformer that this instance uses to associate edge weights with each edge
 void setHyperedgesAreSelfLoops(boolean arg)
          Specifies whether hyperedges are to be treated as self-loops.
 void setMaxIterations(int max_iterations)
          Sets the maximum number of times that evaluate will call step.
protected  void setOutputValue(V v, T value)
          Sets the output value for this vertex.
 void setTolerance(double tolerance)
          Sets the size of the largest change (difference between the current and previous values) for any vertex that can be tolerated.
 void step()
          Performs one step of this algorithm; updates the state (value) for each vertex.
protected  void swapOutputForCurrent()
protected abstract  double update(V v)
          Updates the value for v.
protected  void updateMaxDelta(V v, double diff)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int max_iterations
Maximum number of iterations to use before terminating. Defaults to 100.


protected double tolerance
Minimum change from one step to the next; if all changes are <= tolerance, no further updates will occur. Defaults to 0.001.


protected Hypergraph<V,E> graph
The graph on which the calculations are to be made.


protected int total_iterations
The total number of iterations used so far.


protected  edge_weights
The edge weights used by this algorithm.


protected boolean output_reversed
Indicates whether the output and current values are in a 'swapped' state. Intended for internal use only.


protected boolean hyperedges_are_self_loops


protected double max_delta
The largest change seen so far among all vertex scores.

Constructor Detail


public AbstractIterativeScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> g,
Creates an instance for the specified graph and edge weights.

g - the graph for which the instance is to be created
edge_weights - the edge weights for this instance


public AbstractIterativeScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> g)
Creates an instance for the specified graph g. NOTE: This constructor does not set the internal edge_weights variable. If this variable is used by the subclass which invoked this constructor, it must be initialized by that subclass.

g - the graph for which the instance is to be created
Method Detail


protected void setOutputValue(V v,
                              T value)
Sets the output value for this vertex.

v - the vertex whose output value is to be set
value - the value to set


protected T getOutputValue(V v)
Gets the output value for this vertex.

v - the vertex whose output value is to be retrieved
the output value for this vertex


protected T getCurrentValue(V v)
Gets the current value for this vertex

v - the vertex whose current value is to be retrieved
the current value for this vertex


protected void setCurrentValue(V v,
                               T value)
Sets the current value for this vertex.

v - the vertex whose current value is to be set
value - the current value to set


protected void initialize()
Initializes the internal state for this instance.


public void evaluate()
Steps through this scoring algorithm until a termination condition is reached.


public boolean done()
Returns true if the total number of iterations is greater than or equal to max_iterations or if the maximum value change observed is less than tolerance.

Specified by:
done in interface IterativeContext


public void step()
Performs one step of this algorithm; updates the state (value) for each vertex.

Specified by:
step in interface IterativeContext


protected void swapOutputForCurrent()


protected abstract double update(V v)
Updates the value for v. This is the key

v - the vertex whose value is to be updated


protected void updateMaxDelta(V v,
                              double diff)


protected void afterStep()


public T getVertexScore(V v)
Description copied from interface: VertexScorer
Returns the algorithm's score for this vertex.

Specified by:
getVertexScore in interface VertexScorer<V,T>
the algorithm's score for this vertex


public int getMaxIterations()
Returns the maximum number of iterations that this instance will use.

the maximum number of iterations that evaluate will use prior to terminating


public int getIterations()
Returns the number of iterations that this instance has used so far.

the number of iterations that this instance has used so far


public void setMaxIterations(int max_iterations)
Sets the maximum number of times that evaluate will call step.

max_iterations - the maximum


public double getTolerance()
Gets the size of the largest change (difference between the current and previous values) for any vertex that can be tolerated. Once all changes are less than this value, evaluate will terminate.

the size of the largest change that evaluate() will permit


public void setTolerance(double tolerance)
Sets the size of the largest change (difference between the current and previous values) for any vertex that can be tolerated.

tolerance - the size of the largest change that evaluate() will permit


public  getEdgeWeights()
Returns the Transformer that this instance uses to associate edge weights with each edge.

the Transformer that associates an edge weight with each edge


public void setEdgeWeights( edge_weights)
Sets the Transformer that this instance uses to associate edge weights with each edge

edge_weights - the Transformer to use to associate an edge weight with each edge
See Also:


protected Number getEdgeWeight(V v,
                               E e)
Gets the edge weight for e in the context of its (incident) vertex v.

v - the vertex incident to e as a context in which the edge weight is to be calculated
e - the edge whose weight is to be returned
the edge weight for e in the context of its (incident) vertex v


protected void collectDisappearingPotential(V v)
Collects the 'potential' from v (its current value) if it has no outgoing edges; this can then be redistributed among the other vertices as a means of normalization.

v -


public void acceptDisconnectedGraph(boolean accept)
Specifies whether this instance should accept vertices with no outgoing edges.

accept - true if this instance should accept vertices with no outgoing edges, false otherwise


public boolean isDisconnectedGraphOK()
Returns true if this instance accepts vertices with no outgoing edges, and false otherwise.

true if this instance accepts vertices with no outgoing edges, otherwise false


public void setHyperedgesAreSelfLoops(boolean arg)
Specifies whether hyperedges are to be treated as self-loops. If they are, then potential will flow along a hyperedge a vertex to itself, just as it does to all other vertices incident to that hyperedge.

arg - if true, hyperedges are treated as self-loops


protected int getAdjustedIncidentCount(E e)
Returns the effective number of vertices incident to this edge. If the graph is a binary relation or if hyperedges are treated as self-loops, the value returned is graph.getIncidentCount(e); otherwise it is graph.getIncidentCount(e) - 1.

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