Package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.util

Utility functions for assigning scores to graph elements.


Class Summary
DelegateToEdgeTransformer<V,E> A Transformer that delegates its operation to a Transformer.
ScoringUtils Methods for assigning values (to be interpreted as prior probabilities) to vertices in the context of random-walk-based scoring algorithms.
UniformDegreeWeight<V,E> An edge weight function that assigns weights as uniform transition probabilities.
UniformInOut<V,E> Assigns weights to directed edges (the edge of the vertex/edge pair) depending on whether the vertex is the edge's source or its destination.
VEPair<V,E> Convenience class for associating a vertex and an edge.
VertexScoreTransformer<V,S> A Transformer convenience wrapper around VertexScorer.

Package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.util Description

Utility functions for assigning scores to graph elements. These include:

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