Package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.util

Provides general algorithmic utilities.


Interface Summary
IterativeContext An interface for algorithms that proceed iteratively.
SettableTransformer<I,O> An interface for classes that can set the value to be returned (from transform()) when invoked on a given input.

Class Summary
BasicMapEntry<K,V> An simple minimal implementation of Map.Entry.
ConstantMap<K,V> An implementation of Map that returns the constructor-supplied value for any input.
DiscreteDistribution A utility class for calculating properties of discrete distributions.
Indexer A class providing static methods useful for improving the performance of graph algorithms.
IterativeProcess Provides basic infrastructure for iterative algorithms.
KMeansClusterer<T> Groups items into a specified number of clusters, based on their proximity in d-dimensional space, using the k-means algorithm.
MapBinaryHeap<T> An array-based binary heap implementation of a priority queue, which also provides efficient update() and contains operations.
MapSettableTransformer<I,O> A SettableTransformer that operates on an underlying Map instance.
SelfLoopEdgePredicate<V,E> A Predicate that returns true if the input edge's endpoints in the input graph are identical.
WeightedChoice<T> Selects items according to their probability in an arbitrary probability distribution.

Exception Summary
KMeansClusterer.NotEnoughClustersException An exception that indicates that the specified data points cannot be clustered into the number of clusters requested by the user.

Package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.util Description

Provides general algorithmic utilities. These include:

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