Interface EdgeArrowRenderingSupport<V,E>

All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicEdgeArrowRenderingSupport, CenterEdgeArrowRenderingSupport

public interface EdgeArrowRenderingSupport<V,E>

Method Summary
 AffineTransform getArrowTransform(RenderContext<V,E> rc, Line2D edgeShape, Shape vertexShape)
          This is used for the arrow of a directed and for one of the arrows for non-directed edges Get a transform to place the arrow shape on the passed edge at the point where it intersects the passed shape
 AffineTransform getArrowTransform(RenderContext<V,E> rc, Shape edgeShape, Shape vertexShape)
          Returns a transform to position the arrowhead on this edge shape at the point where it intersects the passed vertex shape.
 AffineTransform getReverseArrowTransform(RenderContext<V,E> rc, Shape edgeShape, Shape vertexShape)
          Returns a transform to position the arrowhead on this edge shape at the point where it intersects the passed vertex shape.
 AffineTransform getReverseArrowTransform(RenderContext<V,E> rc, Shape edgeShape, Shape vertexShape, boolean passedGo)
          Returns a transform to position the arrowhead on this edge shape at the point where it intersects the passed vertex shape.

Method Detail


AffineTransform getArrowTransform(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
                                  Shape edgeShape,
                                  Shape vertexShape)
Returns a transform to position the arrowhead on this edge shape at the point where it intersects the passed vertex shape.


AffineTransform getReverseArrowTransform(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
                                         Shape edgeShape,
                                         Shape vertexShape)
Returns a transform to position the arrowhead on this edge shape at the point where it intersects the passed vertex shape.


AffineTransform getReverseArrowTransform(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
                                         Shape edgeShape,
                                         Shape vertexShape,
                                         boolean passedGo)

Returns a transform to position the arrowhead on this edge shape at the point where it intersects the passed vertex shape.

The Loop edge is a special case because its staring point is not inside the vertex. The passedGo flag handles this case.

edgeShape -
vertexShape -
passedGo - - used only for Loop edges


AffineTransform getArrowTransform(RenderContext<V,E> rc,
                                  Line2D edgeShape,
                                  Shape vertexShape)
This is used for the arrow of a directed and for one of the arrows for non-directed edges Get a transform to place the arrow shape on the passed edge at the point where it intersects the passed shape

edgeShape -
vertexShape -

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