Class VertexShapeFactory<V>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.util.VertexShapeFactory<V>

public class VertexShapeFactory<V>
extends Object

A utility class for generating Shapes for drawing vertices. The available shapes include rectangles, rounded rectangles, ellipses, regular polygons, and regular stars. The dimensions of the requested shapes are defined by the specified vertex size function (specified by a Transformer) and vertex aspect ratio function (specified by a Transformer) implementations: the width of the bounding box of the shape is given by the vertex size, and the height is given by the size multiplied by the vertex's aspect ratio.

Joshua O'Madadhain

Field Summary
protected   varf
protected   vsf
Constructor Summary
          Creates a VertexShapeFactory with a constant size of 10 and a constant aspect ratio of 1.
VertexShapeFactory( vsf,  varf)
          Creates a VertexShapeFactory with the specified vertex size and aspect ratio functions.
Method Summary
 Ellipse2D getEllipse(V v)
          Returns a Ellipse2D whose width and height are defined by this instance's size and aspect ratio functions for this vertex.
 Rectangle2D getRectangle(V v)
          Returns a Rectangle2D whose width and height are defined by this instance's size and aspect ratio functions for this vertex.
 Shape getRegularPolygon(V v, int num_sides)
          Returns a regular num_sides-sided Polygon whose bounding box's width and height are defined by this instance's size and aspect ratio functions for this vertex.
 Shape getRegularStar(V v, int num_points)
          Returns a regular Polygon of num_points points whose bounding box's width and height are defined by this instance's size and aspect ratio functions for this vertex.
 RoundRectangle2D getRoundRectangle(V v)
          Returns a RoundRectangle2D whose width and height are defined by this instance's size and aspect ratio functions for this vertex.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected  vsf


protected  varf
Constructor Detail


public VertexShapeFactory( vsf,
Creates a VertexShapeFactory with the specified vertex size and aspect ratio functions.


public VertexShapeFactory()
Creates a VertexShapeFactory with a constant size of 10 and a constant aspect ratio of 1.

Method Detail


public Rectangle2D getRectangle(V v)
Returns a Rectangle2D whose width and height are defined by this instance's size and aspect ratio functions for this vertex.


public Ellipse2D getEllipse(V v)
Returns a Ellipse2D whose width and height are defined by this instance's size and aspect ratio functions for this vertex.


public RoundRectangle2D getRoundRectangle(V v)
Returns a RoundRectangle2D whose width and height are defined by this instance's size and aspect ratio functions for this vertex. The arc size is set to be half the minimum of the height and width of the frame.


public Shape getRegularPolygon(V v,
                               int num_sides)
Returns a regular num_sides-sided Polygon whose bounding box's width and height are defined by this instance's size and aspect ratio functions for this vertex.

num_sides - the number of sides of the polygon; must be >= 3.


public Shape getRegularStar(V v,
                            int num_points)
Returns a regular Polygon of num_points points whose bounding box's width and height are defined by this instance's size and aspect ratio functions for this vertex.

num_points - the number of points of the polygon; must be >= 5.

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