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1   /*
2    * Copyright (c) 2003, the JUNG Project and the Regents of the University of
3    * California All rights reserved.
4    *
5    * This software is open-source under the BSD license; see either "license.txt"
6    * or for a description.
7    */
8   package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout;
10  import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.util.RandomLocationTransformer;
11  import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.util.IterativeContext;
12  import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph;
13  import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Pair;
15  import org.apache.commons.collections15.Factory;
16  import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer;
17  import org.apache.commons.collections15.functors.ConstantTransformer;
18  import;
20  import java.awt.Dimension;
21  import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
22  import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
23  import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
24  import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
25  import java.util.HashMap;
26  import java.util.Map;
28  /**
29   * The SpringLayout package represents a visualization of a set of nodes. The
30   * SpringLayout, which is initialized with a Graph, assigns X/Y locations to
31   * each node. When called <code>relax()</code>, the SpringLayout moves the
32   * visualization forward one step.
33   *
34   * @author Danyel Fisher
35   * @author Joshua O'Madadhain
36   */
37  public class SpringLayout<V, E> extends AbstractLayout<V,E> implements IterativeContext {
39      protected double stretch = 0.70;
40      protected Transformer<E, Integer> lengthFunction;
41      protected int repulsion_range_sq = 100 * 100;
42      protected double force_multiplier = 1.0 / 3.0;
44      protected Map<V, SpringVertexData> springVertexData =
45      	LazyMap.decorate(new HashMap<V, SpringVertexData>(),
46      			new Factory<SpringVertexData>() {
47  					public SpringVertexData create() {
48  						return new SpringVertexData();
49  					}});
51      /**
52       * Constructor for a SpringLayout for a raw graph with associated
53       * dimension--the input knows how big the graph is. Defaults to the unit
54       * length function.
55       */
56      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
57      public SpringLayout(Graph<V,E> g) {
58          this(g, new ConstantTransformer(30));
59      }
61      /**
62       * Constructor for a SpringLayout for a raw graph with associated component.
63       *
64       * @param g the {@code Graph} to lay out
65       * @param length_function provides a length for each edge
66       */
67      public SpringLayout(Graph<V,E> g, Transformer<E, Integer> length_function)
68      {
69          super(g);
70          this.lengthFunction = length_function;
71      }
73      /**
74       * Returns the current value for the stretch parameter.
75       * @see #setStretch(double)
76       */
77      public double getStretch() {
78          return stretch;
79      }
81      /**
82       * Sets the dimensions of the available space for layout to {@code size}.
83       */
84  	@Override
85  	public void setSize(Dimension size) {
86  		if(initialized == false)
87  			setInitializer(new RandomLocationTransformer<V>(size));
88  		super.setSize(size);
89  	}
91      /**
92       * <p>Sets the stretch parameter for this instance.  This value
93       * specifies how much the degrees of an edge's incident vertices
94       * should influence how easily the endpoints of that edge
95       * can move (that is, that edge's tendency to change its length).</p>
96       *
97       * <p>The default value is 0.70.  Positive values less than 1 cause
98       * high-degree vertices to move less than low-degree vertices, and
99       * values > 1 cause high-degree vertices to move more than
100      * low-degree vertices.  Negative values will have unpredictable
101      * and inconsistent results.</p>
102      * @param stretch
103      */
104     public void setStretch(double stretch) {
105         this.stretch = stretch;
106     }
108     /**
109      * Returns the current value for the node repulsion range.
110      * @see #setRepulsionRange(int)
111      */
112     public int getRepulsionRange() {
113         return (int)(Math.sqrt(repulsion_range_sq));
114     }
116     /**
117      * Sets the node repulsion range (in drawing area units) for this instance.
118      * Outside this range, nodes do not repel each other.  The default value
119      * is 100.  Negative values are treated as their positive equivalents.
120      * @param range
121      */
122     public void setRepulsionRange(int range) {
123         this.repulsion_range_sq = range * range;
124     }
126     /**
127      * Returns the current value for the edge length force multiplier.
128      * @see #setForceMultiplier(double)
129      */
130     public double getForceMultiplier() {
131         return force_multiplier;
132     }
134     /**
135      * Sets the force multiplier for this instance.  This value is used to
136      * specify how strongly an edge "wants" to be its default length
137      * (higher values indicate a greater attraction for the default length),
138      * which affects how much its endpoints move at each timestep.
139      * The default value is 1/3.  A value of 0 turns off any attempt by the
140      * layout to cause edges to conform to the default length.  Negative
141      * values cause long edges to get longer and short edges to get shorter; use
142      * at your own risk.
143      */
144     public void setForceMultiplier(double force) {
145         this.force_multiplier = force;
146     }
148     public void initialize() {
149     }
151     /**
152      * Relaxation step. Moves all nodes a smidge.
153      */
154     public void step() {
155     	try {
156     		for(V v : getGraph().getVertices()) {
157     			SpringVertexData svd = springVertexData.get(v);
158     			if (svd == null) {
159     				continue;
160     			}
161     			svd.dx /= 4;
162     			svd.dy /= 4;
163     			svd.edgedx = svd.edgedy = 0;
164     			svd.repulsiondx = svd.repulsiondy = 0;
165     		}
166     	} catch(ConcurrentModificationException cme) {
167     		step();
168     	}
170     	relaxEdges();
171     	calculateRepulsion();
172     	moveNodes();
173     }
175     protected void relaxEdges() {
176     	try {
177     		for(E e : getGraph().getEdges()) {
178     		    Pair<V> endpoints = getGraph().getEndpoints(e);
179     			V v1 = endpoints.getFirst();
180     			V v2 = endpoints.getSecond();
182     			Point2D p1 = transform(v1);
183     			Point2D p2 = transform(v2);
184     			if(p1 == null || p2 == null) continue;
185     			double vx = p1.getX() - p2.getX();
186     			double vy = p1.getY() - p2.getY();
187     			double len = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
189     			double desiredLen = lengthFunction.transform(e);
191     			// round from zero, if needed [zero would be Bad.].
192     			len = (len == 0) ? .0001 : len;
194     			double f = force_multiplier * (desiredLen - len) / len;
196     			f = f * Math.pow(stretch, (getGraph().degree(v1) + getGraph().degree(v2) - 2));
198     			// the actual movement distance 'dx' is the force multiplied by the
199     			// distance to go.
200     			double dx = f * vx;
201     			double dy = f * vy;
202     			SpringVertexData v1D, v2D;
203     			v1D = springVertexData.get(v1);
204     			v2D = springVertexData.get(v2);
206     			v1D.edgedx += dx;
207     			v1D.edgedy += dy;
208     			v2D.edgedx += -dx;
209     			v2D.edgedy += -dy;
210     		}
211     	} catch(ConcurrentModificationException cme) {
212     		relaxEdges();
213     	}
214     }
216     protected void calculateRepulsion() {
217         try {
218         for (V v : getGraph().getVertices()) {
219             if (isLocked(v)) continue;
221             SpringVertexData svd = springVertexData.get(v);
222             if(svd == null) continue;
223             double dx = 0, dy = 0;
225             for (V v2 : getGraph().getVertices()) {
226                 if (v == v2) continue;
227                 Point2D p = transform(v);
228                 Point2D p2 = transform(v2);
229                 if(p == null || p2 == null) continue;
230                 double vx = p.getX() - p2.getX();
231                 double vy = p.getY() - p2.getY();
232                 double distanceSq = p.distanceSq(p2);
233                 if (distanceSq == 0) {
234                     dx += Math.random();
235                     dy += Math.random();
236                 } else if (distanceSq < repulsion_range_sq) {
237                     double factor = 1;
238                     dx += factor * vx / distanceSq;
239                     dy += factor * vy / distanceSq;
240                 }
241             }
242             double dlen = dx * dx + dy * dy;
243             if (dlen > 0) {
244                 dlen = Math.sqrt(dlen) / 2;
245                 svd.repulsiondx += dx / dlen;
246                 svd.repulsiondy += dy / dlen;
247             }
248         }
249         } catch(ConcurrentModificationException cme) {
250             calculateRepulsion();
251         }
252     }
254     protected void moveNodes()
255     {
256         synchronized (getSize()) {
257             try {
258                 for (V v : getGraph().getVertices()) {
259                     if (isLocked(v)) continue;
260                     SpringVertexData vd = springVertexData.get(v);
261                     if(vd == null) continue;
262                     Point2D xyd = transform(v);
264                     vd.dx += vd.repulsiondx + vd.edgedx;
265                     vd.dy += vd.repulsiondy + vd.edgedy;
267                     // keeps nodes from moving any faster than 5 per time unit
268                     xyd.setLocation(xyd.getX()+Math.max(-5, Math.min(5, vd.dx)),
269                     		xyd.getY()+Math.max(-5, Math.min(5, vd.dy)));
271                     Dimension d = getSize();
272                     int width = d.width;
273                     int height = d.height;
275                     if (xyd.getX() < 0) {
276                         xyd.setLocation(0, xyd.getY());
277                     } else if (xyd.getX() > width) {
278                         xyd.setLocation(width, xyd.getY());
279                     }
280                     if (xyd.getY() < 0) {
281                         xyd.setLocation(xyd.getX(), 0);
282                     } else if (xyd.getY() > height) {
283                         xyd.setLocation(xyd.getX(), height);
284                     }
286                 }
287             } catch(ConcurrentModificationException cme) {
288                 moveNodes();
289             }
290         }
291     }
293     protected static class SpringVertexData {
294         protected double edgedx;
295         protected double edgedy;
296         protected double repulsiondx;
297         protected double repulsiondy;
299         /** movement speed, x */
300         protected double dx;
302         /** movement speed, y */
303         protected double dy;
304     }
307     /**
308      * Used for changing the size of the layout in response to a component's size.
309      */
310     public class SpringDimensionChecker extends ComponentAdapter {
311         @Override
312         public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
313             setSize(e.getComponent().getSize());
314         }
315     }
317     /**
318      * This one is an incremental visualization
319      */
320     public boolean isIncremental() {
321         return true;
322     }
324     /**
325      * For now, we pretend it never finishes.
326      */
327     public boolean done() {
328         return false;
329     }
331     /**
332      * No effect.
333      */
334 	public void reset() {
335 	}
336 }