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1   package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath;
3   import java.util.Collection;
4   import java.util.HashMap;
5   import java.util.HashSet;
6   import java.util.Map;
7   import java.util.Set;
9   import org.apache.commons.collections15.Factory;
10  import org.apache.commons.collections15.functors.ConstantTransformer;
11  import;
13  import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Forest;
14  import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph;
15  import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.EdgeType;
16  import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Pair;
18  /**
19   * For the input Graph, creates a MinimumSpanningTree
20   * using a variation of Prim's algorithm.
21   * 
22   * @author Tom Nelson -
23   *
24   * @param <V>
25   * @param <E>
26   */
27  public class MinimumSpanningForest<V,E> {
29  	protected Graph<V,E> graph;
30  	protected Forest<V,E> forest;
31  	protected Map<E,Double> weights;
33  	/**
34  	 * Creates a Forest from the supplied Graph and supplied Factory, which
35  	 * is used to create a new, empty Forest. If non-null, the supplied root
36  	 * will be used as the root of the tree/forest. If the supplied root is
37  	 * null, or not present in the Graph, then an arbitrary Graph vertex
38  	 * will be selected as the root.
39  	 * If the Minimum Spanning Tree does not include all vertices of the
40  	 * Graph, then a leftover vertex is selected as a root, and another
41  	 * tree is created.
42  	 * @param graph the input graph
43  	 * @param factory the factory to use to create the new forest
44  	 * @param root the vertex of the graph to be used as the root of the forest 
45  	 * @param weights edge weights
46  	 */
47  	public MinimumSpanningForest(Graph<V, E> graph, Factory<Forest<V,E>> factory, 
48  			V root, Map<E, Double> weights) {
49  		this(graph, factory.create(), root, weights);
50  	}
52  	/**
53  	 * Creates a minimum spanning forest from the supplied graph, populating the
54  	 * supplied Forest, which must be empty. 
55  	 * If the supplied root is null, or not present in the Graph,
56  	 * then an arbitrary Graph vertex will be selected as the root.
57  	 * If the Minimum Spanning Tree does not include all vertices of the
58  	 * Graph, then a leftover vertex is selected as a root, and another
59  	 * tree is created
60  	 * @param graph the Graph to find MST in
61  	 * @param forest the Forest to populate. Must be empty
62  	 * @param root first Tree root, may be null
63  	 * @param weights edge weights, may be null
64  	 */
65  	public MinimumSpanningForest(Graph<V, E> graph, Forest<V,E> forest, 
66  			V root, Map<E, Double> weights) {
68  		if(forest.getVertexCount() != 0) {
69  			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied Forest must be empty");
70  		}
71  		this.graph = graph;
72  		this.forest = forest;
73  		if(weights != null) {
74  			this.weights = weights;
75  		}
76  		Set<E> unfinishedEdges = new HashSet<E>(graph.getEdges());
77  		if(graph.getVertices().contains(root)) {
78  			this.forest.addVertex(root);
79  		}
80  		updateForest(forest.getVertices(), unfinishedEdges);
81  	}
83      /**
84       * Creates a minimum spanning forest from the supplied graph, populating the
85       * supplied Forest, which must be empty. 
86       * If the supplied root is null, or not present in the Graph,
87       * then an arbitrary Graph vertex will be selected as the root.
88       * If the Minimum Spanning Tree does not include all vertices of the
89       * Graph, then a leftover vertex is selected as a root, and another
90       * tree is created
91       * @param graph the Graph to find MST in
92       * @param forest the Forest to populate. Must be empty
93       * @param root first Tree root, may be null
94       */
95      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
96      public MinimumSpanningForest(Graph<V, E> graph, Forest<V,E> forest, 
97              V root) {
99          if(forest.getVertexCount() != 0) {
100             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied Forest must be empty");
101         }
102         this.graph = graph;
103         this.forest = forest;
104         this.weights = LazyMap.decorate(new HashMap<E,Double>(),
105                 new ConstantTransformer(1.0));
106         Set<E> unfinishedEdges = new HashSet<E>(graph.getEdges());
107         if(graph.getVertices().contains(root)) {
108             this.forest.addVertex(root);
109         }
110         updateForest(forest.getVertices(), unfinishedEdges);
111     }
113 	/**
114 	 * Returns the generated forest.
115 	 */
116 	public Forest<V,E> getForest() {
117 		return forest;
118 	}
120 	protected void updateForest(Collection<V> tv, Collection<E> unfinishedEdges) {
121 		double minCost = Double.MAX_VALUE;
122 		E nextEdge = null;
123 		V nextVertex = null;
124 		V currentVertex = null;
125 		for(E e : unfinishedEdges) {
127 			if(forest.getEdges().contains(e)) continue;
128 			// find the lowest cost edge, get its opposite endpoint,
129 			// and then update forest from its Successors
130 			Pair<V> endpoints = graph.getEndpoints(e);
131 			V first = endpoints.getFirst();
132 			V second = endpoints.getSecond();
133 			if(tv.contains(first) == true && tv.contains(second) == false) {
134 				if(weights.get(e) < minCost) {
135 					minCost = weights.get(e);
136 					nextEdge = e;
137 					currentVertex = first;
138 					nextVertex = second;
139 				}
140 			}
141 			if(graph.getEdgeType(e) == EdgeType.UNDIRECTED &&
142 					tv.contains(second) == true && tv.contains(first) == false) {
143 				if(weights.get(e) < minCost) {
144 					minCost = weights.get(e);
145 					nextEdge = e;
146 					currentVertex = second;
147 					nextVertex = first;
148 				}
149 			}
150 		}
152 		if(nextVertex != null && nextEdge != null) {
153 			unfinishedEdges.remove(nextEdge);
154 			forest.addEdge(nextEdge, currentVertex, nextVertex);
155 			updateForest(forest.getVertices(), unfinishedEdges);
156 		}
157 		Collection<V> leftovers = new HashSet<V>(graph.getVertices());
158 		leftovers.removeAll(forest.getVertices());
159 		if(leftovers.size() > 0) {
160 			V anotherRoot = leftovers.iterator().next();
161 			forest.addVertex(anotherRoot);
162 			updateForest(forest.getVertices(), unfinishedEdges);
163 		}
164 	}
165 }