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1   package edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath;
3   import java.util.Collection;
4   import java.util.HashSet;
5   import java.util.Set;
7   import org.apache.commons.collections15.Factory;
8   import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer;
9   import org.apache.commons.collections15.functors.ConstantTransformer;
11  import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph;
12  import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.Pair;
14  /**
15   * For the input Graph, creates a MinimumSpanningTree
16   * using a variation of Prim's algorithm.
17   * 
18   * @author Tom Nelson -
19   *
20   * @param <V> the vertex type
21   * @param <E> the edge type
22   */
23  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
24  public class PrimMinimumSpanningTree<V,E> implements Transformer<Graph<V,E>,Graph<V,E>> {
26  	protected Factory<? extends Graph<V,E>> treeFactory;
27  	protected Transformer<E,Double> weights; 
29  	/**
30  	 * Creates an instance which generates a minimum spanning tree assuming constant edge weights.
31  	 */
32  	public PrimMinimumSpanningTree(Factory<? extends Graph<V,E>> factory) {
33  		this(factory, new ConstantTransformer(1.0));
34  	}
36      /**
37       * Creates an instance which generates a minimum spanning tree using the input edge weights.
38       */
39  	public PrimMinimumSpanningTree(Factory<? extends Graph<V,E>> factory, 
40  			Transformer<E, Double> weights) {
41  		this.treeFactory = factory;
42  		if(weights != null) {
43  			this.weights = weights;
44  		}
45  	}
47  	/**
48  	 * @param graph the Graph to find MST in
49  	 */
50      public Graph<V,E> transform(Graph<V,E> graph) {
51  		Set<E> unfinishedEdges = new HashSet<E>(graph.getEdges());
52  		Graph<V,E> tree = treeFactory.create();
53  		V root = findRoot(graph);
54  		if(graph.getVertices().contains(root)) {
55  			tree.addVertex(root);
56  		} else if(graph.getVertexCount() > 0) {
57  			// pick an arbitrary vertex to make root
58  			tree.addVertex(graph.getVertices().iterator().next());
59  		}
60  		updateTree(tree, graph, unfinishedEdges);
62  		return tree;
63  	}
65      protected V findRoot(Graph<V,E> graph) {
66      	for(V v : graph.getVertices()) {
67      		if(graph.getInEdges(v).size() == 0) {
68      			return v;
69      		}
70      	}
71      	// if there is no obvious root, pick any vertex
72      	if(graph.getVertexCount() > 0) {
73      		return graph.getVertices().iterator().next();
74      	}
75      	// this graph has no vertices
76      	return null;
77      }
79  	protected void updateTree(Graph<V,E> tree, Graph<V,E> graph, Collection<E> unfinishedEdges) {
80  		Collection<V> tv = tree.getVertices();
81  		double minCost = Double.MAX_VALUE;
82  		E nextEdge = null;
83  		V nextVertex = null;
84  		V currentVertex = null;
85  		for(E e : unfinishedEdges) {
87  			if(tree.getEdges().contains(e)) continue;
88  			// find the lowest cost edge, get its opposite endpoint,
89  			// and then update forest from its Successors
90  			Pair<V> endpoints = graph.getEndpoints(e);
91  			V first = endpoints.getFirst();
92  			V second = endpoints.getSecond();
93  			if((tv.contains(first) == true && tv.contains(second) == false)) {
94  				if(weights.transform(e) < minCost) {
95  					minCost = weights.transform(e);
96  					nextEdge = e;
97  					currentVertex = first;
98  					nextVertex = second;
99  				}
100 			} else if((tv.contains(second) == true && tv.contains(first) == false)) {
101 				if(weights.transform(e) < minCost) {
102 					minCost = weights.transform(e);
103 					nextEdge = e;
104 					currentVertex = second;
105 					nextVertex = first;
106 				}
107 			}
108 		}
110 		if(nextVertex != null && nextEdge != null) {
111 			unfinishedEdges.remove(nextEdge);
112 			tree.addEdge(nextEdge, currentVertex, nextVertex);
113 			updateTree(tree, graph, unfinishedEdges);
114 		}
115 	}
116 }