Class StructurallyEquivalent<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.blockmodel.StructurallyEquivalent<V,E>

public class StructurallyEquivalent<V,E>
extends Object

Identifies sets of structurally equivalent vertices in a graph. Vertices i and j are structurally equivalent iff the set of i's neighbors is identical to the set of j's neighbors, with the exception of i and j themselves. This algorithm finds all sets of equivalent vertices in O(V^2) time.

You can extend this class to have a different definition of equivalence (by overriding isStructurallyEquivalent), and may give it hints for accelerating the process by overriding canPossiblyCompare. (For example, in a bipartite graph, canPossiblyCompare may return false for vertices in different partitions. This function should be fast.)

Danyel Fisher

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  boolean canPossiblyCompare(V v1, V v2)
          This is a space for optimizations.
protected  Set<Pair<V>> getEquivalentPairs(Graph<V,?> g)
          For each vertex pair v, v1 in G, checks whether v and v1 are fully equivalent: meaning that they connect to the exact same vertices.
protected  boolean isStructurallyEquivalent(Graph<V,?> g, V v1, V v2)
          Checks whether a pair of vertices are structurally equivalent.
 VertexPartition<V,E> transform(Graph<V,E> g)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StructurallyEquivalent()
Method Detail


public VertexPartition<V,E> transform(Graph<V,E> g)


protected Set<Pair<V>> getEquivalentPairs(Graph<V,?> g)
For each vertex pair v, v1 in G, checks whether v and v1 are fully equivalent: meaning that they connect to the exact same vertices. (Is this regular equivalence, or whathaveyou?) Returns a Set of Pairs of vertices, where all the vertices in the inner Pairs are equivalent.

g -


protected boolean isStructurallyEquivalent(Graph<V,?> g,
                                           V v1,
                                           V v2)
Checks whether a pair of vertices are structurally equivalent. Specifically, whether v1's predecessors are equal to v2's predecessors, and same for successors.

g - the graph in which the structural equivalence comparison is to take place
v1 - the vertex to check for structural equivalence to v2
v2 - the vertex to check for structural equivalence to v1


protected boolean canPossiblyCompare(V v1,
                                     V v2)
This is a space for optimizations. For example, for a bipartite graph, vertices from different partitions cannot possibly be compared.

v1 -
v2 -

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