Interface Graph<V,E>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
DirectedGraph<V,E>, Forest<V,E>, KPartiteGraph<V,E>, Tree<V,E>, UndirectedGraph<V,E>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractGraph, AbstractTypedGraph, DelegateForest, DelegateTree, DirectedOrderedSparseMultigraph, DirectedSparseGraph, DirectedSparseMultigraph, GraphDecorator, ObservableGraph, OrderedKAryTree, OrderedSparseMultigraph, SortedSparseMultigraph, SparseGraph, SparseMultigraph, UndirectedOrderedSparseMultigraph, UndirectedSparseGraph, UndirectedSparseMultigraph

public interface Graph<V,E>
extends Hypergraph<V,E>

A graph consisting of a set of vertices of type V set and a set of edges of type E. Edges of this graph type have exactly two endpoints; whether these endpoints must be distinct depends on the implementation.

This interface permits, but does not enforce, any of the following common variations of graphs:

Extensions or implementations of this interface may enforce or disallow any or all of these variations.

Definitions (with respect to a given vertex v):

Joshua O'Madadhain

Method Summary
 boolean addEdge(E e, V v1, V v2)
          Adds edge e to this graph such that it connects vertex v1 to v2.
 boolean addEdge(E e, V v1, V v2, EdgeType edgeType)
          Adds edge e to this graph such that it connects vertex v1 to v2.
 V getDest(E directed_edge)
          If directed_edge is a directed edge in this graph, returns the destination; otherwise returns null.
 Pair<V> getEndpoints(E edge)
          Returns the endpoints of edge as a Pair.
 Collection<E> getInEdges(V vertex)
          Returns a Collection view of the incoming edges incident to vertex in this graph.
 V getOpposite(V vertex, E edge)
          Returns the vertex at the other end of edge from vertex.
 Collection<E> getOutEdges(V vertex)
          Returns a Collection view of the outgoing edges incident to vertex in this graph.
 int getPredecessorCount(V vertex)
          Returns the number of predecessors that vertex has in this graph.
 Collection<V> getPredecessors(V vertex)
          Returns a Collection view of the predecessors of vertex in this graph.
 V getSource(E directed_edge)
          If directed_edge is a directed edge in this graph, returns the source; otherwise returns null.
 int getSuccessorCount(V vertex)
          Returns the number of successors that vertex has in this graph.
 Collection<V> getSuccessors(V vertex)
          Returns a Collection view of the successors of vertex in this graph.
 int inDegree(V vertex)
          Returns the number of incoming edges incident to vertex.
 boolean isDest(V vertex, E edge)
          Returns true if vertex is the destination of edge.
 boolean isPredecessor(V v1, V v2)
          Returns true if v1 is a predecessor of v2 in this graph.
 boolean isSource(V vertex, E edge)
          Returns true if vertex is the source of edge.
 boolean isSuccessor(V v1, V v2)
          Returns true if v1 is a successor of v2 in this graph.
 int outDegree(V vertex)
          Returns the number of outgoing edges incident to vertex.
Methods inherited from interface edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Hypergraph
addEdge, addEdge, addVertex, containsEdge, containsVertex, degree, findEdge, findEdgeSet, getDefaultEdgeType, getEdgeCount, getEdgeCount, getEdges, getEdges, getEdgeType, getIncidentCount, getIncidentEdges, getIncidentVertices, getNeighborCount, getNeighbors, getVertexCount, getVertices, isIncident, isNeighbor, removeEdge, removeVertex

Method Detail


Collection<E> getInEdges(V vertex)
Returns a Collection view of the incoming edges incident to vertex in this graph.

Specified by:
getInEdges in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
vertex - the vertex whose incoming edges are to be returned
a Collection view of the incoming edges incident to vertex in this graph


Collection<E> getOutEdges(V vertex)
Returns a Collection view of the outgoing edges incident to vertex in this graph.

Specified by:
getOutEdges in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
vertex - the vertex whose outgoing edges are to be returned
a Collection view of the outgoing edges incident to vertex in this graph


Collection<V> getPredecessors(V vertex)
Returns a Collection view of the predecessors of vertex in this graph. A predecessor of vertex is defined as a vertex v which is connected to vertex by an edge e, where e is an outgoing edge of v and an incoming edge of vertex.

Specified by:
getPredecessors in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
vertex - the vertex whose predecessors are to be returned
a Collection view of the predecessors of vertex in this graph


Collection<V> getSuccessors(V vertex)
Returns a Collection view of the successors of vertex in this graph. A successor of vertex is defined as a vertex v which is connected to vertex by an edge e, where e is an incoming edge of v and an outgoing edge of vertex.

Specified by:
getSuccessors in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
vertex - the vertex whose predecessors are to be returned
a Collection view of the successors of vertex in this graph


int inDegree(V vertex)
Returns the number of incoming edges incident to vertex. Equivalent to getInEdges(vertex).size().

Specified by:
inDegree in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
vertex - the vertex whose indegree is to be calculated
the number of incoming edges incident to vertex


int outDegree(V vertex)
Returns the number of outgoing edges incident to vertex. Equivalent to getOutEdges(vertex).size().

Specified by:
outDegree in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
vertex - the vertex whose outdegree is to be calculated
the number of outgoing edges incident to vertex


boolean isPredecessor(V v1,
                      V v2)
Returns true if v1 is a predecessor of v2 in this graph. Equivalent to v1.getPredecessors().contains(v2).

v1 - the first vertex to be queried
v2 - the second vertex to be queried
true if v1 is a predecessor of v2, and false otherwise.


boolean isSuccessor(V v1,
                    V v2)
Returns true if v1 is a successor of v2 in this graph. Equivalent to v1.getSuccessors().contains(v2).

v1 - the first vertex to be queried
v2 - the second vertex to be queried
true if v1 is a successor of v2, and false otherwise.


int getPredecessorCount(V vertex)
Returns the number of predecessors that vertex has in this graph. Equivalent to vertex.getPredecessors().size().

vertex - the vertex whose predecessor count is to be returned
the number of predecessors that vertex has in this graph


int getSuccessorCount(V vertex)
Returns the number of successors that vertex has in this graph. Equivalent to vertex.getSuccessors().size().

vertex - the vertex whose successor count is to be returned
the number of successors that vertex has in this graph


V getSource(E directed_edge)
If directed_edge is a directed edge in this graph, returns the source; otherwise returns null. The source of a directed edge d is defined to be the vertex for which d is an outgoing edge. directed_edge is guaranteed to be a directed edge if its EdgeType is DIRECTED.

Specified by:
getSource in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
directed_edge -
the source of directed_edge if it is a directed edge in this graph, or null otherwise


V getDest(E directed_edge)
If directed_edge is a directed edge in this graph, returns the destination; otherwise returns null. The destination of a directed edge d is defined to be the vertex incident to d for which d is an incoming edge. directed_edge is guaranteed to be a directed edge if its EdgeType is DIRECTED.

Specified by:
getDest in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
directed_edge -
the destination of directed_edge if it is a directed edge in this graph, or null otherwise


boolean isSource(V vertex,
                 E edge)
Returns true if vertex is the source of edge. Equivalent to getSource(edge).equals(vertex).

vertex - the vertex to be queried
edge - the edge to be queried
true iff vertex is the source of edge


boolean isDest(V vertex,
               E edge)
Returns true if vertex is the destination of edge. Equivalent to getDest(edge).equals(vertex).

vertex - the vertex to be queried
edge - the edge to be queried
true iff vertex is the destination of edge


boolean addEdge(E e,
                V v1,
                V v2)
Adds edge e to this graph such that it connects vertex v1 to v2. Equivalent to addEdge(e, new Pair(v1, v2)). If this graph does not contain v1, v2, or both, implementations may choose to either silently add the vertices to the graph or throw an IllegalArgumentException. If this graph assigns edge types to its edges, the edge type of e will be the default for this graph. See Hypergraph.addEdge() for a listing of possible reasons for failure.

e - the edge to be added
v1 - the first vertex to be connected
v2 - the second vertex to be connected
true if the add is successful, false otherwise
See Also:
Hypergraph.addEdge(Object, Collection), addEdge(Object, Object, Object, EdgeType)


boolean addEdge(E e,
                V v1,
                V v2,
                EdgeType edgeType)
Adds edge e to this graph such that it connects vertex v1 to v2. Equivalent to addEdge(e, new Pair(v1, v2)). If this graph does not contain v1, v2, or both, implementations may choose to either silently add the vertices to the graph or throw an IllegalArgumentException. If edgeType is not legal for this graph, this method will throw IllegalArgumentException. See Hypergraph.addEdge() for a listing of possible reasons for failure.

e - the edge to be added
v1 - the first vertex to be connected
v2 - the second vertex to be connected
edgeType - the type to be assigned to the edge
true if the add is successful, false otherwise
See Also:
Hypergraph.addEdge(Object, Collection), addEdge(Object, Object, Object)


Pair<V> getEndpoints(E edge)
Returns the endpoints of edge as a Pair.

edge - the edge whose endpoints are to be returned
the endpoints (incident vertices) of edge


V getOpposite(V vertex,
              E edge)
Returns the vertex at the other end of edge from vertex. (That is, returns the vertex incident to edge which is not vertex.)

vertex - the vertex to be queried
edge - the edge to be queried
the vertex at the other end of edge from vertex

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