Class SortedSparseMultigraph<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.AbstractGraph<V,E>
      extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.SparseMultigraph<V,E>
          extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.OrderedSparseMultigraph<V,E>
              extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.SortedSparseMultigraph<V,E>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Graph<V,E>, Hypergraph<V,E>, MultiGraph<V,E>, Serializable

public class SortedSparseMultigraph<V,E>
extends OrderedSparseMultigraph<V,E>
implements MultiGraph<V,E>

An implementation of Graph that is suitable for sparse graphs, orders its vertex and edge collections according to either specified Comparator instances or the natural ordering of their elements, and permits directed, undirected, and parallel edges.

Joshua O'Madadhain
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  Comparator<E> edge_comparator
          Comparator used in ordering edges.
protected  Comparator<V> vertex_comparator
          Comparator used in ordering vertices.
Fields inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.SparseMultigraph
directedEdges, edges, vertices
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance which sorts its vertices and edges according to their natural ordering.
SortedSparseMultigraph(Comparator<V> vertex_comparator, Comparator<E> edge_comparator)
          Creates a new instance which sorts its vertices and edges according to the specified Comparators.
Method Summary
 boolean addVertex(V vertex)
          Adds vertex to this graph.
          Returns a Factory that creates an instance of this graph type.
 void setVertexComparator(Comparator<V> vertex_comparator)
          Provides a new Comparator to be used in sorting the vertices.
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.OrderedSparseMultigraph
getIncidentEdges, getNeighbors, getPredecessors, getSuccessors
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.SparseMultigraph
addEdge, containsEdge, containsVertex, findEdge, getDefaultEdgeType, getDest, getEdgeCount, getEdgeCount, getEdges, getEdges, getEdgeType, getEndpoints, getIncoming_internal, getInEdges, getOutEdges, getOutgoing_internal, getSource, getVertexCount, getVertices, isDest, isSource, removeEdge, removeVertex
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.AbstractGraph
addEdge, addEdge, addEdge, addEdge, addEdge, degree, findEdgeSet, getIncidentCount, getIncidentVertices, getNeighborCount, getOpposite, getPredecessorCount, getSuccessorCount, getValidatedEndpoints, inDegree, isIncident, isNeighbor, isPredecessor, isSuccessor, outDegree, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Comparator<V> vertex_comparator
Comparator used in ordering vertices. Defaults to util.ComparableComparator if no comparators are specified in the constructor.


protected Comparator<E> edge_comparator
Comparator used in ordering edges. Defaults to util.ComparableComparator if no comparators are specified in the constructor.

Constructor Detail


public SortedSparseMultigraph(Comparator<V> vertex_comparator,
                              Comparator<E> edge_comparator)
Creates a new instance which sorts its vertices and edges according to the specified Comparators.


public SortedSparseMultigraph()
Creates a new instance which sorts its vertices and edges according to their natural ordering.

Method Detail


public static <V,E>  getFactory()
Returns a Factory that creates an instance of this graph type.

Type Parameters:
V - the vertex type for the graph factory
E - the edge type for the graph factory


public void setVertexComparator(Comparator<V> vertex_comparator)
Provides a new Comparator to be used in sorting the vertices.

vertex_comparator - the comparator that defines the new ordering


public boolean addVertex(V vertex)
Description copied from interface: Hypergraph
Adds vertex to this graph. Fails if vertex is null or already in the graph.

Specified by:
addVertex in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
addVertex in class OrderedSparseMultigraph<V,E>
vertex - the vertex to add
true if the add is successful, and false otherwise

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