Class DelegateForest<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.GraphDecorator<V,E>
      extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.DelegateForest<V,E>
Type Parameters:
V - the vertex type
E - the edge type
All Implemented Interfaces:
DirectedGraph<V,E>, Forest<V,E>, Graph<V,E>, Hypergraph<V,E>, Serializable

public class DelegateForest<V,E>
extends GraphDecorator<V,E>
implements Forest<V,E>

An implementation of Forest that delegates to a specified DirectedGraph instance.

Tom Nelson
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.GraphDecorator
Constructor Summary
          Creates an instance backed by a new DirectedSparseGraph instance.
DelegateForest(DirectedGraph<V,E> delegate)
          Creates an instance backed by the input DirectedGraph i
Method Summary
 boolean addEdge(E edge, Collection<? extends V> vertices)
          Adds edge to this graph.
 boolean addEdge(E e, V v1, V v2, EdgeType edgeType)
          Add an edge to the tree, connecting v1, the parent and v2, the child.
 void addTree(Tree<V,E> tree)
          Adds tree to this graph as an element of this forest.
 boolean addVertex(V vertex)
          Add vertex as a root of the tree
 int getChildCount(V vertex)
          Returns the number of children that vertex has in this tree.
 Collection<E> getChildEdges(V vertex)
          Returns the edges connecting vertex to its children in this tree.
 Collection<V> getChildren(V v)
          Returns the children of v.
 int getDepth(V v)
          computes and returns the depth of the tree from the root to the passed vertex
 int getHeight()
          computes and returns the height of the tree
 int getIncidentCount(E edge)
          Returns the number of vertices that are incident to edge.
 V getParent(V child)
          Returns the parent of vertex in this tree.
 E getParentEdge(V vertex)
          Returns the edge connecting vertex to its parent in this tree.
 List<V> getPath(V child)
          returns an ordered list of the nodes beginning at the root and ending at the passed child node, including all intermediate nodes.
 V getRoot()
          getter for the root of the tree returns null, as this tree has >1 roots
 Collection<V> getRoots()
          Returns the root of each tree of this forest as a Collection.
 Collection<Tree<V,E>> getTrees()
          Returns a view of this graph as a collection of Tree instances.
 boolean isInternal(V v)
          computes and returns whether the passed node is neither the root, nor a leaf node.
 boolean isLeaf(V v)
          Returns true if v has no child nodes.
 boolean isRoot(V v)
          Returns true if v has no parent node.
 boolean removeChild(V orphan)
          removes a node from the tree, causing all descendants of the removed node also to be removed
 boolean removeEdge(E edge)
          Removes edge from this tree, and the subtree rooted at the child vertex incident to edge.
 boolean removeEdge(E edge, boolean remove_subtree)
          Removes edge from this tree.
 boolean removeVertex(V vertex)
          Removes vertex from this tree, and the subtree rooted at vertex.
 boolean removeVertex(V vertex, boolean remove_subtrees)
          Removes vertex from this tree.
 void setRoot(V root)
          adds root as a root of the tree
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.GraphDecorator
addEdge, addEdge, containsEdge, containsVertex, degree, findEdge, findEdgeSet, getDefaultEdgeType, getDest, getEdgeCount, getEdgeCount, getEdges, getEdges, getEdgeType, getEndpoints, getIncidentEdges, getIncidentVertices, getInEdges, getNeighborCount, getNeighbors, getOpposite, getOutEdges, getPredecessorCount, getPredecessors, getSource, getSuccessorCount, getSuccessors, getVertexCount, getVertices, inDegree, isDest, isIncident, isNeighbor, isPredecessor, isSource, isSuccessor, outDegree
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph
addEdge, getDest, getEndpoints, getInEdges, getOpposite, getOutEdges, getPredecessorCount, getPredecessors, getSource, getSuccessorCount, getSuccessors, inDegree, isDest, isPredecessor, isSource, isSuccessor, outDegree
Methods inherited from interface edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Hypergraph
addEdge, containsEdge, containsVertex, degree, findEdge, findEdgeSet, getDefaultEdgeType, getEdgeCount, getEdgeCount, getEdges, getEdges, getEdgeType, getIncidentEdges, getIncidentVertices, getNeighborCount, getNeighbors, getVertexCount, getVertices, isIncident, isNeighbor

Constructor Detail


public DelegateForest()
Creates an instance backed by a new DirectedSparseGraph instance.


public DelegateForest(DirectedGraph<V,E> delegate)
Creates an instance backed by the input DirectedGraph i

Method Detail


public boolean addEdge(E e,
                       V v1,
                       V v2,
                       EdgeType edgeType)
Add an edge to the tree, connecting v1, the parent and v2, the child. v1 must already exist in the tree, and v2 must not already exist the passed edge must be unique in the tree. Passing an edgeType other than EdgeType.DIRECTED may cause an illegal argument exception in the delegate graph.

Specified by:
addEdge in interface Graph<V,E>
addEdge in class GraphDecorator<V,E>
e - a unique edge to add
v1 - the parent node
v2 - the child node
edgeType - should be EdgeType.DIRECTED
true if this call mutates the underlying graph
See Also:
Graph.addEdge(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.util.EdgeType)


public boolean addVertex(V vertex)
Add vertex as a root of the tree

Specified by:
addVertex in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
addVertex in class GraphDecorator<V,E>
vertex - the tree root to add
true if this call mutates the underlying graph
See Also:


public boolean removeEdge(E edge)
Removes edge from this tree, and the subtree rooted at the child vertex incident to edge. (The subtree is removed to ensure that the tree in which the edge was found is still a tree rather than a forest. To change this behavior so that the

Specified by:
removeEdge in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
removeEdge in class GraphDecorator<V,E>
edge - the edge to remove
true iff the tree was modified
See Also:


public boolean removeEdge(E edge,
                          boolean remove_subtree)
Removes edge from this tree. If remove_subtree is true, removes the subtree rooted at the child vertex incident to edge. Otherwise, leaves the subtree intact as a new component tree of this forest.

edge - the edge to remove
remove_subtree - if true, remove the subtree
true iff the tree was modified


public boolean removeVertex(V vertex)
Removes vertex from this tree, and the subtree rooted at vertex.

Specified by:
removeVertex in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
removeVertex in class GraphDecorator<V,E>
vertex - the vertex to remove
true iff the tree was modified
See Also:


public boolean removeVertex(V vertex,
                            boolean remove_subtrees)
Removes vertex from this tree. If remove_subtrees is true, removes the subtrees rooted at the children of vertex. Otherwise, leaves these subtrees intact as new component trees of this forest.

vertex - the vertex to remove
remove_subtrees - if true, remove the subtrees rooted at vertex's children
true iff the tree was modified


public List<V> getPath(V child)
returns an ordered list of the nodes beginning at the root and ending at the passed child node, including all intermediate nodes.

child - the last node in the path from the root
an ordered list of the nodes from root to child


public V getParent(V child)
Description copied from interface: Forest
Returns the parent of vertex in this tree. (If vertex is the root, returns null.) The parent of a vertex is defined as being its predecessor in the (unique) shortest path from the root to this vertex. This is a convenience method which is equivalent to Graph.getPredecessors(vertex).iterator().next().

Specified by:
getParent in interface Forest<V,E>
the parent of vertex in this tree
See Also:
Graph.getPredecessors(Object), Forest.getParentEdge(Object)


public V getRoot()
getter for the root of the tree returns null, as this tree has >1 roots

the root


public void setRoot(V root)
adds root as a root of the tree

root - the initial tree root


public boolean removeChild(V orphan)
removes a node from the tree, causing all descendants of the removed node also to be removed

orphan - the node to remove
whether this call mutates the underlying graph


public int getDepth(V v)
computes and returns the depth of the tree from the root to the passed vertex

v - the node who's depth is computed
the depth to the passed node.


public int getHeight()
computes and returns the height of the tree

the height


public boolean isInternal(V v)
computes and returns whether the passed node is neither the root, nor a leaf node.

true if v is neither a leaf nor a root


public boolean isLeaf(V v)
Returns true if v has no child nodes.


public Collection<V> getChildren(V v)
Returns the children of v.

Specified by:
getChildren in interface Forest<V,E>
v - the vertex whose children are to be returned
the Collection of children of vertex in this tree
See Also:
Graph.getSuccessors(Object), Forest.getChildEdges(Object)


public boolean isRoot(V v)
Returns true if v has no parent node.


public int getIncidentCount(E edge)
Description copied from interface: Hypergraph
Returns the number of vertices that are incident to edge. For hyperedges, this can be any nonnegative integer; for edges this must be 2 (or 1 if self-loops are permitted).

Equivalent to getIncidentVertices(edge).size().

Specified by:
getIncidentCount in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
getIncidentCount in class GraphDecorator<V,E>
edge - the edge whose incident vertex count is to be returned
the number of vertices that are incident to edge.
See Also:


public boolean addEdge(E edge,
                       Collection<? extends V> vertices)
Description copied from interface: Hypergraph
Adds edge to this graph. Fails under the following circumstances:

Specified by:
addEdge in interface Hypergraph<V,E>
addEdge in class GraphDecorator<V,E>
true if the add is successful, and false otherwise
See Also:
Hypergraph.addEdge(java.lang.Object, java.util.Collection)


public Collection<V> getRoots()
Returns the root of each tree of this forest as a Collection.


public Collection<Tree<V,E>> getTrees()
Description copied from interface: Forest
Returns a view of this graph as a collection of Tree instances.

Specified by:
getTrees in interface Forest<V,E>
a view of this graph as a collection of Trees


public void addTree(Tree<V,E> tree)
Adds tree to this graph as an element of this forest.

tree - the tree to add to this forest as a component


public int getChildCount(V vertex)
Description copied from interface: Forest
Returns the number of children that vertex has in this tree. The children of a vertex are defined as being the successors of that vertex on the respective (unique) shortest paths from the root to those vertices. This is syntactic (maple) sugar for getSuccessorCount(vertex).

Specified by:
getChildCount in interface Forest<V,E>
vertex - the vertex whose child edges are to be returned
the Collection of edges connecting vertex to its children in this tree
See Also:
Forest.getChildEdges(Object), Forest.getChildren(Object), Graph.getSuccessorCount(Object)


public Collection<E> getChildEdges(V vertex)
Description copied from interface: Forest
Returns the edges connecting vertex to its children in this tree. The children of a vertex are defined as being the successors of that vertex on the respective (unique) shortest paths from the root to those vertices. This is syntactic (maple) sugar for getOutEdges(vertex).

Specified by:
getChildEdges in interface Forest<V,E>
vertex - the vertex whose child edges are to be returned
the Collection of edges connecting vertex to its children in this tree
See Also:
Graph.getOutEdges(Object), Forest.getChildren(Object)


public E getParentEdge(V vertex)
Description copied from interface: Forest
Returns the edge connecting vertex to its parent in this tree. (If vertex is the root, returns null.) The parent of a vertex is defined as being its predecessor in the (unique) shortest path from the root to this vertex. This is a convenience method which is equivalent to Graph.getInEdges(vertex).iterator().next(), and also to Graph.findEdge(vertex, getParent(vertex)).

Specified by:
getParentEdge in interface Forest<V,E>
the edge connecting vertex to its parent, or null if vertex is the root
See Also:
Graph.getInEdges(Object), Forest.getParent(Object)

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