Interface KPartiteGraph<V,E>

All Superinterfaces:
Graph<V,E>, Hypergraph<V,E>

public interface KPartiteGraph<V,E>
extends Graph<V,E>

An interface for graphs whose vertices are each members of one of 2 or more disjoint sets (partitions), and whose edges connect only vertices in distinct partitions.

Joshua O'Madadhain

Method Summary
 Collection<> getPartitions()
          Returns the set of Predicate instances which define this graph's partitions.
 Collection<V> getVertices( partition)
          Returns all vertices which satisfy the specified partition predicate.
Methods inherited from interface edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Graph
addEdge, addEdge, getDest, getEndpoints, getInEdges, getOpposite, getOutEdges, getPredecessorCount, getPredecessors, getSource, getSuccessorCount, getSuccessors, inDegree, isDest, isPredecessor, isSource, isSuccessor, outDegree
Methods inherited from interface edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Hypergraph
addEdge, addEdge, addVertex, containsEdge, containsVertex, degree, findEdge, findEdgeSet, getDefaultEdgeType, getEdgeCount, getEdgeCount, getEdges, getEdges, getEdgeType, getIncidentCount, getIncidentEdges, getIncidentVertices, getNeighborCount, getNeighbors, getVertexCount, getVertices, isIncident, isNeighbor, removeEdge, removeVertex

Method Detail


Collection<V> getVertices( partition)
Returns all vertices which satisfy the specified partition predicate.

partition - Predicate which defines a partition
all vertices satisfying partition


Collection<> getPartitions()
Returns the set of Predicate instances which define this graph's partitions.

the set of Predicate instances which define this graph's partitions

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