Class SpringLayout<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.AbstractLayout<V,E>
      extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.SpringLayout<V,E>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Layout<V,E>, IterativeContext
Direct Known Subclasses:
DAGLayout, SpringLayout2

public class SpringLayout<V,E>
extends AbstractLayout<V,E>
implements IterativeContext

The SpringLayout package represents a visualization of a set of nodes. The SpringLayout, which is initialized with a Graph, assigns X/Y locations to each node. When called relax(), the SpringLayout moves the visualization forward one step.

Danyel Fisher, Joshua O'Madadhain

Nested Class Summary
 class SpringLayout.SpringDimensionChecker
          Used for changing the size of the layout in response to a component's size.
protected static class SpringLayout.SpringVertexData
Field Summary
protected  double force_multiplier
protected   lengthFunction
protected  int repulsion_range_sq
protected  Map<V,SpringLayout.SpringVertexData> springVertexData
protected  double stretch
Fields inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.AbstractLayout
graph, initialized, locations, size
Constructor Summary
SpringLayout(Graph<V,E> g)
          Constructor for a SpringLayout for a raw graph with associated dimension--the input knows how big the graph is.
SpringLayout(Graph<V,E> g,  length_function)
          Constructor for a SpringLayout for a raw graph with associated component.
Method Summary
protected  void calculateRepulsion()
 boolean done()
          For now, we pretend it never finishes.
 double getForceMultiplier()
          Returns the current value for the edge length force multiplier.
 int getRepulsionRange()
          Returns the current value for the node repulsion range.
 double getStretch()
          Returns the current value for the stretch parameter.
 void initialize()
          Initializes fields in the node that may not have been set during the constructor.
 boolean isIncremental()
          This one is an incremental visualization
protected  void moveNodes()
protected  void relaxEdges()
 void reset()
          No effect.
 void setForceMultiplier(double force)
          Sets the force multiplier for this instance.
 void setRepulsionRange(int range)
          Sets the node repulsion range (in drawing area units) for this instance.
 void setSize(Dimension size)
          Sets the dimensions of the available space for layout to size.
 void setStretch(double stretch)
          Sets the stretch parameter for this instance.
 void step()
          Relaxation step.
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.AbstractLayout
getGraph, getSize, getX, getY, isLocked, lock, lock, offsetVertex, setGraph, setInitializer, setLocation, setLocation, transform
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected double stretch


protected  lengthFunction


protected int repulsion_range_sq


protected double force_multiplier


protected Map<V,SpringLayout.SpringVertexData> springVertexData
Constructor Detail


public SpringLayout(Graph<V,E> g)
Constructor for a SpringLayout for a raw graph with associated dimension--the input knows how big the graph is. Defaults to the unit length function.


public SpringLayout(Graph<V,E> g,
Constructor for a SpringLayout for a raw graph with associated component.

g - the Graph to lay out
length_function - provides a length for each edge
Method Detail


public double getStretch()
Returns the current value for the stretch parameter.

See Also:


public void setSize(Dimension size)
Sets the dimensions of the available space for layout to size.

Specified by:
setSize in interface Layout<V,E>
setSize in class AbstractLayout<V,E>


public void setStretch(double stretch)

Sets the stretch parameter for this instance. This value specifies how much the degrees of an edge's incident vertices should influence how easily the endpoints of that edge can move (that is, that edge's tendency to change its length).

The default value is 0.70. Positive values less than 1 cause high-degree vertices to move less than low-degree vertices, and values > 1 cause high-degree vertices to move more than low-degree vertices. Negative values will have unpredictable and inconsistent results.

stretch -


public int getRepulsionRange()
Returns the current value for the node repulsion range.

See Also:


public void setRepulsionRange(int range)
Sets the node repulsion range (in drawing area units) for this instance. Outside this range, nodes do not repel each other. The default value is 100. Negative values are treated as their positive equivalents.

range -


public double getForceMultiplier()
Returns the current value for the edge length force multiplier.

See Also:


public void setForceMultiplier(double force)
Sets the force multiplier for this instance. This value is used to specify how strongly an edge "wants" to be its default length (higher values indicate a greater attraction for the default length), which affects how much its endpoints move at each timestep. The default value is 1/3. A value of 0 turns off any attempt by the layout to cause edges to conform to the default length. Negative values cause long edges to get longer and short edges to get shorter; use at your own risk.


public void initialize()
Description copied from interface: Layout
Initializes fields in the node that may not have been set during the constructor. Must be called before the iterations begin.

Specified by:
initialize in interface Layout<V,E>


public void step()
Relaxation step. Moves all nodes a smidge.

Specified by:
step in interface IterativeContext


protected void relaxEdges()


protected void calculateRepulsion()


protected void moveNodes()


public boolean isIncremental()
This one is an incremental visualization


public boolean done()
For now, we pretend it never finishes.

Specified by:
done in interface IterativeContext


public void reset()
No effect.

Specified by:
reset in interface Layout<V,E>

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