Class DistanceCentralityScorer<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.DistanceCentralityScorer<V,E>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BarycenterScorer, ClosenessCentrality

public class DistanceCentralityScorer<V,E>
extends Object
implements VertexScorer<V,Double>

Assigns scores to vertices based on their distances to each other vertex in the graph. This class optionally normalizes its results based on the value of its 'averaging' constructor parameter. If it is true, then the value returned for vertex v is 1 / (_average_ distance from v to all other vertices); this is sometimes called closeness centrality. If it is false, then the value returned is 1 / (_total_ distance from v to all other vertices); this is sometimes referred to as barycenter centrality. (If the average/total distance is 0, the value returned is Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY.)

See Also:
BarycenterScorer, ClosenessCentrality

Field Summary
protected  boolean averaging
          Specifies whether the values returned are the sum of the v-distances or the mean v-distance.
protected  Distance<V> distance
          The metric to use for specifying the distance between pairs of vertices.
protected  Hypergraph<V,E> graph
          The graph on which the vertex scores are to be calculated.
protected  boolean ignore_missing
          Specifies whether, for a vertex v with missing (null) distances, v's score should ignore the missing values or be set to 'null'.
protected  boolean ignore_self_distances
          Specifies whether the values returned should ignore self-distances (distances from v to itself).
protected  Map<V,Double> output
          The cache for the output results.
Constructor Summary
DistanceCentralityScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> graph, boolean averaging)
          Equivalent to this(graph, averaging, true, true).
DistanceCentralityScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> graph, boolean averaging, boolean ignore_missing, boolean ignore_self_distances)
          Creates an instance with the specified graph and averaging behavior whose vertex distances are calculated on the unweighted graph.
DistanceCentralityScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> graph, Distance<V> distance, boolean averaging)
          Equivalent to this(graph, distance, averaging, true, true).
DistanceCentralityScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> graph, Distance<V> distance, boolean averaging, boolean ignore_missing, boolean ignore_self_distances)
          Creates an instance with the specified graph, distance metric, and averaging behavior.
Method Summary
 Double getVertexScore(V v)
          Calculates the score for the specified vertex.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Hypergraph<V,E> graph
The graph on which the vertex scores are to be calculated.


protected Distance<V> distance
The metric to use for specifying the distance between pairs of vertices.


protected Map<V,Double> output
The cache for the output results. Null encodes "not yet calculated", < 0 encodes "no such distance exists".


protected boolean averaging
Specifies whether the values returned are the sum of the v-distances or the mean v-distance.


protected boolean ignore_missing
Specifies whether, for a vertex v with missing (null) distances, v's score should ignore the missing values or be set to 'null'. Defaults to 'true'.


protected boolean ignore_self_distances
Specifies whether the values returned should ignore self-distances (distances from v to itself). Defaults to 'true'.

Constructor Detail


public DistanceCentralityScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> graph,
                                Distance<V> distance,
                                boolean averaging,
                                boolean ignore_missing,
                                boolean ignore_self_distances)
Creates an instance with the specified graph, distance metric, and averaging behavior.

graph - The graph on which the vertex scores are to be calculated.
distance - The metric to use for specifying the distance between pairs of vertices.
averaging - Specifies whether the values returned is the sum of all v-distances or the mean v-distance.
ignore_missing - Specifies whether scores for missing distances are to ignore missing distances or be set to null.
ignore_self_distances - Specifies whether distances from a vertex to itself should be included in its score.


public DistanceCentralityScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> graph,
                                Distance<V> distance,
                                boolean averaging)
Equivalent to this(graph, distance, averaging, true, true).

graph - The graph on which the vertex scores are to be calculated.
distance - The metric to use for specifying the distance between pairs of vertices.
averaging - Specifies whether the values returned is the sum of all v-distances or the mean v-distance.


public DistanceCentralityScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> graph,
                                boolean averaging,
                                boolean ignore_missing,
                                boolean ignore_self_distances)
Creates an instance with the specified graph and averaging behavior whose vertex distances are calculated on the unweighted graph.

graph - The graph on which the vertex scores are to be calculated.
averaging - Specifies whether the values returned is the sum of all v-distances or the mean v-distance.
ignore_missing - Specifies whether scores for missing distances are to ignore missing distances or be set to null.
ignore_self_distances - Specifies whether distances from a vertex to itself should be included in its score.


public DistanceCentralityScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> graph,
                                boolean averaging)
Equivalent to this(graph, averaging, true, true).

graph - The graph on which the vertex scores are to be calculated.
averaging - Specifies whether the values returned is the sum of all v-distances or the mean v-distance.
Method Detail


public Double getVertexScore(V v)
Calculates the score for the specified vertex. Returns null if there are missing distances and such are not ignored by this instance.

Specified by:
getVertexScore in interface VertexScorer<V,Double>
the algorithm's score for this vertex

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