Interface Distance<V>

All Known Implementing Classes:
DijkstraDistance, DijkstraShortestPath, UnweightedShortestPath

public interface Distance<V>

An interface for classes which calculate the distance between one vertex and another.

Joshua O'Madadhain

Method Summary
 Number getDistance(V source, V target)
          Returns the distance from the source vertex to the target vertex.
 Map<V,Number> getDistanceMap(V source)
          Returns a Map which maps each vertex in the graph (including the source vertex) to its distance (represented as a Number) from source.

Method Detail


Number getDistance(V source,
                   V target)
Returns the distance from the source vertex to the target vertex. If target is not reachable from source, returns null.


Map<V,Number> getDistanceMap(V source)

Returns a Map which maps each vertex in the graph (including the source vertex) to its distance (represented as a Number) from source. If any vertex is not reachable from source, no distance is stored for that vertex.

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