Uses of Interface

Packages that use Distance
edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout Algorithms for assigning 2D coordinates (typically used for graph visualizations) to vertices. 
edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring Mechanisms for assigning values (denoting significance, influence, centrality, etc.) to graph elements based on topological properties. 
edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath Provides interfaces and classes for calculating (geodesic) distances and shortest paths. 

Uses of Distance in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout

Fields in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout declared as Distance
protected  Distance<V> KKLayout.distance
          Retrieves graph distances between vertices of the visible graph

Constructors in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout with parameters of type Distance
KKLayout(Graph<V,E> g, Distance<V> distance)
          Creates an instance for the specified graph and distance metric.

Uses of Distance in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring

Fields in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring declared as Distance
protected  Distance<V> DistanceCentralityScorer.distance
          The metric to use for specifying the distance between pairs of vertices.

Constructors in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring with parameters of type Distance
BarycenterScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> graph, Distance<V> distance)
          Creates an instance with the specified graph and distance metric.
ClosenessCentrality(Hypergraph<V,E> graph, Distance<V> distance)
          Creates an instance using the specified vertex/vertex distance metric.
DistanceCentralityScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> graph, Distance<V> distance, boolean averaging)
          Equivalent to this(graph, distance, averaging, true, true).
DistanceCentralityScorer(Hypergraph<V,E> graph, Distance<V> distance, boolean averaging, boolean ignore_missing, boolean ignore_self_distances)
          Creates an instance with the specified graph, distance metric, and averaging behavior.

Uses of Distance in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath

Classes in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath that implement Distance
 class DijkstraDistance<V,E>
          Calculates distances in a specified graph, using Dijkstra's single-source-shortest-path algorithm.
 class DijkstraShortestPath<V,E>
          Calculates distances and shortest paths using Dijkstra's single-source-shortest-path algorithm.
 class UnweightedShortestPath<V,E>
          Computes the shortest path distances for graphs whose edges are not weighted (using BFS).

Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath with parameters of type Distance
DistanceStatistics.averageDistances(Hypergraph<V,E> graph, Distance<V> d)
          For each vertex v in graph, calculates the average shortest path length from v to all other vertices in graph using the metric specified by d, and returns the results in a Map from vertices to Double values.
<V,E> double
DistanceStatistics.diameter(Hypergraph<V,E> g, Distance<V> d)
          Returns the diameter of g using the metric specified by d.
<V,E> double
DistanceStatistics.diameter(Hypergraph<V,E> g, Distance<V> d, boolean use_max)
          Returns the diameter of g using the metric specified by d.

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