Class KKLayout<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.AbstractLayout<V,E>
      extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.KKLayout<V,E>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Layout<V,E>, IterativeContext

public class KKLayout<V,E>
extends AbstractLayout<V,E>
implements IterativeContext

Implements the Kamada-Kawai algorithm for node layout. Does not respect filter calls, and sometimes crashes when the view changes to it.

Masanori Harada
See Also:
"Tomihisa Kamada and Satoru Kawai: An algorithm for drawing general indirect graphs. Information Processing Letters 31(1):7-15, 1989", "Tomihisa Kamada: On visualization of abstract objects and relations. Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. of Information Science, Univ. of Tokyo, Dec. 1988."

Field Summary
protected  double diameter
          The diameter of the visible graph.
protected  Distance<V> distance
          Retrieves graph distances between vertices of the visible graph
Fields inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.AbstractLayout
graph, initialized, locations, size
Constructor Summary
KKLayout(Graph<V,E> g)
          Creates an instance for the specified graph.
KKLayout(Graph<V,E> g, Distance<V> distance)
          Creates an instance for the specified graph and distance metric.
Method Summary
 void adjustForGravity()
          Shift all vertices so that the center of gravity is located at the center of the screen.
 boolean done()
          Returns true once the current iteration has passed the maximum count.
 boolean getAdjustForGravity()
          Returns true if gravity point adjusting is enabled.
 boolean getExchangeVertices()
          Returns true if the local minimum escape technique by exchanging vertices is enabled.
 String getStatus()
          Returns a string with information about the current status of the algorithm.
 void initialize()
          Initializes fields in the node that may not have been set during the constructor.
 boolean isIncremental()
          This one is an incremental visualization.
 void reset()
 void setAdjustForGravity(boolean on)
          Enable or disable gravity point adjusting.
 void setDisconnectedDistanceMultiplier(double disconnected_multiplier)
          Sets a multiplicative factor that specifies the fraction of the graph's diameter to be used as the inter-vertex distance between disconnected vertices.
 void setExchangeVertices(boolean on)
          Enable or disable the local minimum escape technique by exchanging vertices.
 void setLengthFactor(double length_factor)
          Sets a multiplicative factor which partly specifies the "preferred" length of an edge (L).
 void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations)
          Sets the maximum number of iterations.
 void setSize(Dimension size)
          When a visualization is resized, it presumably wants to fix the locations of the vertices and possibly to reinitialize its data.
 void step()
          Advances one step.
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.AbstractLayout
getGraph, getSize, getX, getY, isLocked, lock, lock, offsetVertex, setGraph, setInitializer, setLocation, setLocation, transform
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Distance<V> distance
Retrieves graph distances between vertices of the visible graph


protected double diameter
The diameter of the visible graph. In other words, the maximum over all pairs of vertices of the length of the shortest path between a and bf the visible graph.

Constructor Detail


public KKLayout(Graph<V,E> g)
Creates an instance for the specified graph.


public KKLayout(Graph<V,E> g,
                Distance<V> distance)
Creates an instance for the specified graph and distance metric.

Method Detail


public void setLengthFactor(double length_factor)
Sets a multiplicative factor which partly specifies the "preferred" length of an edge (L).


public void setDisconnectedDistanceMultiplier(double disconnected_multiplier)
Sets a multiplicative factor that specifies the fraction of the graph's diameter to be used as the inter-vertex distance between disconnected vertices.


public String getStatus()
Returns a string with information about the current status of the algorithm.


public void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations)
Sets the maximum number of iterations.


public boolean isIncremental()
This one is an incremental visualization.


public boolean done()
Returns true once the current iteration has passed the maximum count.

Specified by:
done in interface IterativeContext


public void initialize()
Description copied from interface: Layout
Initializes fields in the node that may not have been set during the constructor. Must be called before the iterations begin.

Specified by:
initialize in interface Layout<V,E>


public void step()
Description copied from interface: IterativeContext
Advances one step.

Specified by:
step in interface IterativeContext


public void adjustForGravity()
Shift all vertices so that the center of gravity is located at the center of the screen.


public void setSize(Dimension size)
Description copied from class: AbstractLayout
When a visualization is resized, it presumably wants to fix the locations of the vertices and possibly to reinitialize its data. The current method calls initializeLocations followed by initialize_local.

Specified by:
setSize in interface Layout<V,E>
setSize in class AbstractLayout<V,E>


public void setAdjustForGravity(boolean on)
Enable or disable gravity point adjusting.


public boolean getAdjustForGravity()
Returns true if gravity point adjusting is enabled.


public void setExchangeVertices(boolean on)
Enable or disable the local minimum escape technique by exchanging vertices.


public boolean getExchangeVertices()
Returns true if the local minimum escape technique by exchanging vertices is enabled.


public void reset()
Specified by:
reset in interface Layout<V,E>

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