Class HITSWithPriors<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.AbstractIterativeScorer<V,E,S>
      extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.AbstractIterativeScorerWithPriors<V,E,HITS.Scores>
          extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.HITSWithPriors<V,E>
All Implemented Interfaces:
VertexScorer<V,HITS.Scores>, IterativeContext
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class HITSWithPriors<V,E>
extends AbstractIterativeScorerWithPriors<V,E,HITS.Scores>

A generalization of HITS that permits non-uniformly-distributed random jumps. The 'vertex_priors' (that is, prior probabilities for each vertex) may be thought of as the fraction of the total 'potential' (hub or authority score) that is assigned to that vertex out of the portion that is assigned according to random jumps.

See Also:
"Algorithms for Estimating Relative Importance in Graphs by Scott White and Padhraic Smyth, 2003"

Field Summary
protected  HITS.Scores disappearing_potential
          The sum of the potential, at each step, associated with vertices with no outedges (authority) or no inedges (hub).
Fields inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.AbstractIterativeScorerWithPriors
alpha, vertex_priors
Fields inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.AbstractIterativeScorer
edge_weights, graph, hyperedges_are_self_loops, max_delta, max_iterations, output_reversed, tolerance, total_iterations
Constructor Summary
HITSWithPriors(Hypergraph<V,E> g,  edge_weights,  vertex_priors, double alpha)
          Creates an instance for the specified graph, edge weights, vertex prior probabilities, and random jump probability (alpha).
HITSWithPriors(Hypergraph<V,E> g,  vertex_priors, double alpha)
          Creates an instance for the specified graph, vertex priors, and random jump probability (alpha).
Method Summary
protected  void afterStep()
          Code which is executed after each step.
protected  void collectDisappearingPotential(V v)
          Collects the "disappearing potential" associated with vertices that have either no incoming edges, no outgoing edges, or both.
protected  void normalizeScores()
          Normalizes scores so that sum of their squares = 1.
protected  double update(V v)
          Updates the value for this vertex.
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.AbstractIterativeScorerWithPriors
getAlpha, getVertexPrior, getVertexPriors, initialize
Methods inherited from class edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.AbstractIterativeScorer
acceptDisconnectedGraph, done, evaluate, getAdjustedIncidentCount, getCurrentValue, getEdgeWeight, getEdgeWeights, getIterations, getMaxIterations, getOutputValue, getTolerance, getVertexScore, isDisconnectedGraphOK, setCurrentValue, setEdgeWeights, setHyperedgesAreSelfLoops, setMaxIterations, setOutputValue, setTolerance, step, swapOutputForCurrent, updateMaxDelta
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.VertexScorer

Field Detail


protected HITS.Scores disappearing_potential
The sum of the potential, at each step, associated with vertices with no outedges (authority) or no inedges (hub).

Constructor Detail


public HITSWithPriors(Hypergraph<V,E> g,
                      double alpha)
Creates an instance for the specified graph, edge weights, vertex prior probabilities, and random jump probability (alpha).

g - the input graph
edge_weights - the edge weights
vertex_priors - the prior probability for each vertex
alpha - the probability of a random jump at each step


public HITSWithPriors(Hypergraph<V,E> g,
                      double alpha)
Creates an instance for the specified graph, vertex priors, and random jump probability (alpha). The edge weights default to 1.0.

g - the input graph
vertex_priors - the prior probability for each vertex
alpha - the probability of a random jump at each step
Method Detail


protected double update(V v)
Updates the value for this vertex.

Specified by:
update in class AbstractIterativeScorer<V,E,HITS.Scores>
v - the vertex whose value is to be updated


protected void afterStep()
Code which is executed after each step. In this case, deals with the 'disappearing potential', normalizes the scores, and then calls super.afterStep().

afterStep in class AbstractIterativeScorer<V,E,HITS.Scores>
See Also:


protected void normalizeScores()
Normalizes scores so that sum of their squares = 1. This method may be overridden so as to yield different normalizations.


protected void collectDisappearingPotential(V v)
Collects the "disappearing potential" associated with vertices that have either no incoming edges, no outgoing edges, or both. Vertices that have no incoming edges do not directly contribute to the hub scores of other vertices; similarly, vertices that have no outgoing edges do not directly contribute to the authority scores of other vertices. These values are collected at each step and then distributed across all vertices as a part of the normalization process. (This process is not required for, and does not affect, the 'sum-of-squares'-style normalization.)

collectDisappearingPotential in class AbstractIterativeScorer<V,E,HITS.Scores>

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