Class MinimumSpanningForest<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.shortestpath.MinimumSpanningForest<V,E>
Type Parameters:
V -
E -

public class MinimumSpanningForest<V,E>
extends Object

For the input Graph, creates a MinimumSpanningTree using a variation of Prim's algorithm.

Tom Nelson -

Field Summary
protected  Forest<V,E> forest
protected  Graph<V,E> graph
protected  Map<E,Double> weights
Constructor Summary
MinimumSpanningForest(Graph<V,E> graph,  factory, V root, Map<E,Double> weights)
          Creates a Forest from the supplied Graph and supplied Factory, which is used to create a new, empty Forest.
MinimumSpanningForest(Graph<V,E> graph, Forest<V,E> forest, V root)
          Creates a minimum spanning forest from the supplied graph, populating the supplied Forest, which must be empty.
Method Summary
 Forest<V,E> getForest()
          Returns the generated forest.
protected  void updateForest(Collection<V> tv, Collection<E> unfinishedEdges)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Graph<V,E> graph


protected Forest<V,E> forest


protected Map<E,Double> weights
Constructor Detail


public MinimumSpanningForest(Graph<V,E> graph,
                             V root,
                             Map<E,Double> weights)
Creates a Forest from the supplied Graph and supplied Factory, which is used to create a new, empty Forest. If non-null, the supplied root will be used as the root of the tree/forest. If the supplied root is null, or not present in the Graph, then an arbitrary Graph vertex will be selected as the root. If the Minimum Spanning Tree does not include all vertices of the Graph, then a leftover vertex is selected as a root, and another tree is created.

graph - the input graph
factory - the factory to use to create the new forest
root - the vertex of the graph to be used as the root of the forest
weights - edge weights


public MinimumSpanningForest(Graph<V,E> graph,
                             Forest<V,E> forest,
                             V root)
Creates a minimum spanning forest from the supplied graph, populating the supplied Forest, which must be empty. If the supplied root is null, or not present in the Graph, then an arbitrary Graph vertex will be selected as the root. If the Minimum Spanning Tree does not include all vertices of the Graph, then a leftover vertex is selected as a root, and another tree is created

graph - the Graph to find MST in
forest - the Forest to populate. Must be empty
root - first Tree root, may be null
Method Detail


public Forest<V,E> getForest()
Returns the generated forest.


protected void updateForest(Collection<V> tv,
                            Collection<E> unfinishedEdges)

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