Class VertexPartitionCollapser<V,E,CV,CE>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.transformation.VertexPartitionCollapser<V,E,CV,CE>

public class VertexPartitionCollapser<V,E,CV,CE>
extends Object

This class transforms a graph with a known vertex partitioning into a graph whose vertices correspond to the input graph's partitions. Two vertices in the output graph are connected if and only if there exists at least one edge between vertices in the corresponding partitions of the input graph. If the output graph permits parallel edges, there will be an edge connecting two vertices in the new graph for each such edge connecting constituent vertices in the input graph.

Concept based on Danyel Fisher's GraphCollapser in JUNG 1.x.

Field Summary
protected   edge_factory
protected   graph_factory
protected  Map<Set<V>,CV> set_collapsedv
protected   vertex_factory
Constructor Summary
VertexPartitionCollapser( graph_factory,  vertex_factory,  edge_factory)
          Creates an instance with the specified graph and element factories.
Method Summary
 Graph<CV,CE> collapseVertexPartitions(VertexPartition<V,E> partitioning)
          Creates a new graph whose vertices correspond to the partitions of the supplied graph.
          Returns a transformer from vertex sets in the original graph to collapsed vertices in the transformed graph.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected  graph_factory


protected  vertex_factory


protected  edge_factory


protected Map<Set<V>,CV> set_collapsedv
Constructor Detail


public VertexPartitionCollapser( graph_factory,
Creates an instance with the specified graph and element factories.

vertex_factory - used to construct the vertices of the new graph
edge_factory - used to construct the edges of the new graph
graph_factory - used to construct the new graph
Method Detail


public Graph<CV,CE> collapseVertexPartitions(VertexPartition<V,E> partitioning)
Creates a new graph whose vertices correspond to the partitions of the supplied graph.

partitioning -
a new graph whose vertices correspond to the partitions of the supplied graph


public  getSetToCollapsedVertexTransformer()
Returns a transformer from vertex sets in the original graph to collapsed vertices in the transformed graph.

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