Interface EdgeIndexFunction<V,E>

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultParallelEdgeIndexFunction, IncidentEdgeIndexFunction, PredicatedParallelEdgeIndexFunction

public interface EdgeIndexFunction<V,E>

An interface for a service to access the index of a given edge (in a given graph) into the set formed by the given edge and all the other edges it is parallel to.

Note that in current use, this index is assumed to be an integer value in the interval [0,n-1], where n-1 is the number of edges parallel to e.

Tom Nelson

Method Summary
 int getIndex(Graph<V,E> graph, E e)
          Returns e's index in graph.
 void reset()
          Clears all edge indices for all edges in all graphs.
 void reset(Graph<V,E> g, E edge)
          Resets the indices for edge and its parallel edges in graph.

Method Detail


int getIndex(Graph<V,E> graph,
             E e)
Returns e's index in graph. The index of e is defined as its position in some consistent ordering of e and all edges parallel to e.

graph - the graph in which the edge is to be queried
e - the edge whose index is to be queried
e's index in graph


void reset(Graph<V,E> g,
           E edge)
Resets the indices for edge and its parallel edges in graph. Should be invoked when an edge parallel to edge has been added or removed.

g - the graph in which edge's index is to be reset
edge - the edge whose index is to be reset


void reset()
Clears all edge indices for all edges in all graphs. Does not recalculate the indices.

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