
Interface Summary
Metadata Interface for any GraphML metadata.

Class Summary
AbstractMetadata Abstract base class for metadata - implements the property functionality
DataMetadata Metadata structure for the 'data' GraphML element.
EdgeMetadata Metadata structure for the 'edge' GraphML element.
EndpointMetadata Metadata structure for the 'endpoint' GraphML element.
ExceptionConverter Converts an exception to the a GraphIOException.
GraphMetadata Metadata structure for the 'graph' GraphML element.
GraphMLConstants Provides some constants for element/attribute names in GraphML
GraphMLDocument Maintains all the metadata read in from a single GraphML XML document.
GraphMLReader2<G extends Hypergraph<V,E>,V,E> Reads in data from a GraphML-formatted file and generates graphs based on that data.
HyperEdgeMetadata Metadata structure for the 'hyperedge' GraphML element.
Key GraphML key object that was parsed from the input stream.
KeyMap A KeyMap is a storage mechanism for the keys read from the GraphML file.
NodeMetadata Metadata structure for the 'node' GraphML element.
PortMetadata Metadata structure for the 'port' GraphML element.

Enum Summary
Key.ForType Enumeration for the 'for' type of this key.
Metadata.MetadataType Metadata type enumeration

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