
Interfaces and classes for reading and writing graphs in various (file) formats.


Interface Summary
GraphFile<V,E> General interface for loading and saving a graph from/to disk.
GraphReader<G extends Hypergraph<V,E>,V,E> Interface for a reader of graph objects

Class Summary
GraphMLMetadata<T> Maintains information relating to data for the specified type.
GraphMLReader<G extends Hypergraph<V,E>,V,E> Reads in data from a GraphML-formatted file and generates graphs based on that data.
GraphMLWriter<V,E> Writes graphs out in GraphML format.
MatrixFile<V,E> Basic I/O handler for ascii matrix files.
PajekNetReader<G extends Graph<V,E>,V,E> Reads a Graph from a Pajek NET formatted source.
PajekNetReader.ListTagPred A Predicate which evaluates to true if the argument ends with the string "list".
PajekNetReader.StartsWithPredicate A Predicate which evaluates to true if the argument starts with the constructor-specified String.
PajekNetWriter<V,E> Writes graphs in the Pajek NET format.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
GraphIOException Exception thrown when IO errors occur when reading/writing graphs.

Package Description

Interfaces and classes for reading and writing graphs in various (file) formats. Current formats fully or partially supported include:

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