Class PajekNetReader<G extends Graph<V,E>,V,E>

  extended by<G,V,E>

public class PajekNetReader<G extends Graph<V,E>,V,E>
extends Object

Reads a Graph from a Pajek NET formatted source.

If the edge constraints specify that the graph is strictly undirected, and an "*Arcs" section is encountered, or if the edge constraints specify that the graph is strictly directed, and an "*Edges" section is encountered, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

If the edge constraints do not permit parallel edges, only the first encountered of a set of parallel edges will be read; subsequent edges in that set will be ignored.

More restrictive edge constraints will cause vertices to be generated that are more time- and space-efficient.

At the moment, only supports the part of the specification that defines:

Here is an example format for a directed graph without edge weights and edges specified in list form:

 *vertices <# of vertices> 
 1 "a" 
 2 "b" 
 3 "c" 
 1 2 3 
 2 3  
Here is an example format for an undirected graph with edge weights and edges specified in non-list form:
 *vertices <# of vertices> 
 1 "a" 
 2 "b" 
 3 "c" 
 1 2 0.1 
 1 3 0.9 
 2 3 1.0 

Joshua O'Madadhain, Tom Nelson - converted to jung2
See Also:
"'Pajek - Program for Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks', Vladimir Batagelj and Andrej Mrvar,"

Nested Class Summary
protected static class PajekNetReader.ListTagPred
          A Predicate which evaluates to true if the argument ends with the string "list".
protected static class PajekNetReader.StartsWithPredicate
          A Predicate which evaluates to true if the argument starts with the constructor-specified String.
Field Summary
protected   edge_factory
protected  SettableTransformer<E,Number> edge_weights
protected static  l_pred
protected   vertex_factory
protected  SettableTransformer<V,String> vertex_labels
          The map for vertex labels (if any) created by this class.
protected  SettableTransformer<V,Point2D> vertex_locations
          The map for vertex locations (if any) defined by this class.
Constructor Summary
PajekNetReader( edge_factory)
          Creates a PajekNetReader instance with the specified edge factory, and whose vertex objects correspond to the integer IDs assigned in the file.
PajekNetReader( vertex_factory,  edge_factory)
          Creates a PajekNetReader instance with the specified vertex and edge factories.
Method Summary
protected  E createAddEdge(StringTokenizer st, V v1, EdgeType directed, Graph<V,E> g, List<V> id,  edge_factory)
 SettableTransformer<E,Number> getEdgeWeightTransformer()
          Returns a transformer from edges to their weights.
 SettableTransformer<V,String> getVertexLabeller()
          Returns a transformer from vertices to their labels.
 SettableTransformer<V,Point2D> getVertexLocationTransformer()
 G load(Reader reader,  graph_factory)
          Returns the graph created by parsing the specified reader, as created by the specified factory.
 G load(String filename,  graph_factory)
          Returns the graph created by parsing the specified file, as created by the specified factory.
 void setEdgeWeightTransformer(SettableTransformer<E,Number> edge_weights)
          Provides a transformer which will be used to write out edge weights.
 void setVertexLabeller(SettableTransformer<V,String> vertex_labels)
          Provides a transformer which will be used to write out the vertex labels.
 void setVertexLocationTransformer(SettableTransformer<V,Point2D> vertex_locations)
          Provides a transformer which will be used to write out the vertex locations.
protected  String skip(BufferedReader br,  p)
          Returns the first line read from br for which p returns true, or null if there is no such line.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected  vertex_factory


protected  edge_factory


protected SettableTransformer<V,String> vertex_labels
The map for vertex labels (if any) created by this class.


protected SettableTransformer<V,Point2D> vertex_locations
The map for vertex locations (if any) defined by this class.


protected SettableTransformer<E,Number> edge_weights


protected static final  l_pred
Constructor Detail


public PajekNetReader( vertex_factory,
Creates a PajekNetReader instance with the specified vertex and edge factories.

vertex_factory - the factory to use to create vertex objects
edge_factory - the factory to use to create edge objects


public PajekNetReader( edge_factory)
Creates a PajekNetReader instance with the specified edge factory, and whose vertex objects correspond to the integer IDs assigned in the file. Note that this requires V to be assignment-compatible with an Integer value.

edge_factory - the factory to use to create edge objects
Method Detail


public G load(String filename,
                          throws IOException
Returns the graph created by parsing the specified file, as created by the specified factory.



public G load(Reader reader,
                          throws IOException
Returns the graph created by parsing the specified reader, as created by the specified factory.



protected E createAddEdge(StringTokenizer st,
                          V v1,
                          EdgeType directed,
                          Graph<V,E> g,
                          List<V> id,


protected String skip(BufferedReader br,
               throws IOException
Returns the first line read from br for which p returns true, or null if there is no such line.



public SettableTransformer<V,Point2D> getVertexLocationTransformer()
the vertexLocationTransformer


public void setVertexLocationTransformer(SettableTransformer<V,Point2D> vertex_locations)
Provides a transformer which will be used to write out the vertex locations.


public SettableTransformer<V,String> getVertexLabeller()
Returns a transformer from vertices to their labels.


public void setVertexLabeller(SettableTransformer<V,String> vertex_labels)
Provides a transformer which will be used to write out the vertex labels.


public SettableTransformer<E,Number> getEdgeWeightTransformer()
Returns a transformer from edges to their weights.


public void setEdgeWeightTransformer(SettableTransformer<E,Number> edge_weights)
Provides a transformer which will be used to write out edge weights.

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