Class Summary | |
AddNodeDemo | Demonstrates visualization of a graph being actively updated. |
AnimatingAddNodeDemo | A variation of AddNodeDemo that animates transitions between graph states. |
AnnotationsDemo<V,E> | Demonstrates annotation of graph elements. |
BalloonLayoutDemo | Demonstrates the visualization of a Tree using TreeLayout and BalloonLayout. |
ClusteringDemo | This simple app demonstrates how one can use our algorithms and visualization libraries in unison. |
DrawnIconVertexDemo | A demo that shows drawn Icons as vertices |
EdgeLabelDemo | Demonstrates jung support for drawing edge labels that can be positioned at any point along the edge, and can be rotated to be parallel with the edge. |
GraphDemo | |
GraphEditorDemo | Shows how to create a graph editor with JUNG. |
GraphFromGraphMLDemo | Demonstrates loading (and visualizing) a graph from a GraphML file. |
GraphZoomScrollPaneDemo | Demonstrates the use of GraphZoomScrollPane . |
HyperbolicVertexImageShaperDemo | Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices. |
HyperbolicVertexImageShaperDemo.PickWithIconListener | |
ImageEdgeLabelDemo | Demonstrates the use of images on graph edge labels. |
InternalFrameSatelliteViewDemo | Similar to the SatelliteViewDemo, but using JInternalFrame. |
L2RTreeLayoutDemo | A variant of TreeLayoutDemo that rotates the view by 90 degrees from the default orientation. |
LensDemo | Demonstrates the use of HyperbolicTransform
and MagnifyTransform
applied to either the model (graph layout) or the view
The hyperbolic transform is applied in an elliptical lens
that affects that part of the visualization. |
LensVertexImageShaperDemo | Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices. |
LensVertexImageShaperDemo.PickWithIconListener | |
MinimumSpanningTreeDemo | Demonstrates a single graph with 3 layouts in 3 views. |
MultiViewDemo | Demonstrates 3 views of one graph in one model with one layout. |
PersistentLayoutDemo | Demonstrates the use of PersistentLayout
and PersistentLayoutImpl . |
PerspectiveTransformerDemo | Demonstrates the use of PerspectiveTransform
applied to either the model (graph layout) or the view
(VisualizationViewer) |
PerspectiveVertexImageShaperDemo | Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices. |
PerspectiveVertexImageShaperDemo.PickWithIconListener | |
PluggableRendererDemo | Shows off some of the capabilities of PluggableRenderer . |
RadialTreeLensDemo | Shows a RadialTreeLayout view of a Forest. |
SatelliteViewDemo<V,E> | Demonstrates the construction of a graph visualization with a main and a satellite view. |
ShortestPathDemo | Demonstrates use of the shortest path algorithm and visualization of the results. |
ShowLayouts | Demonstrates several of the graph layout algorithms. |
ShowLayouts.GraphChooser | |
SimpleGraphDraw | A class that shows the minimal work necessary to load and visualize a graph. |
SubLayoutDemo | Demonstrates the AggregateLayout class. |
TreeCollapseDemo | Demonstrates "collapsing"/"expanding" of a tree's subtrees. |
TreeLayoutDemo | Demonsrates TreeLayout and RadialTreeLayout. |
TwoModelDemo | Demonstrates a single graph with 2 layouts in 2 views. |
UnicodeLabelDemo | A demo that shows flag images as vertices, and uses unicode to render vertex labels. |
VertexCollapseDemo | A demo that shows how collections of vertices can be collapsed into a single vertex. |
VertexCollapseDemoWithLayouts | A demo that shows how collections of vertices can be collapsed into a single vertex. |
VertexImageShaperDemo | Demonstrates the use of images to represent graph vertices. |
VertexImageShaperDemo.DemoVertexIconShapeTransformer<V> | this class exists only to provide settings to turn on/off shapes and image fill in this demo. |
VertexImageShaperDemo.DemoVertexIconTransformer<V> | this class exists only to provide settings to turn on/off shapes and image fill in this demo. |
VertexImageShaperDemo.PickWithIconListener<V> | When Vertices are picked, add a checkmark icon to the imager. |
VertexImageShaperDemo.VertexStringerImpl<V,S> | A simple implementation of VertexStringer that gets Vertex labels from a Map |
VertexLabelAsShapeDemo | This demo shows how to use the vertex labels themselves as the vertex shapes. |
VertexLabelPositionDemo | Demonstrates vertex label positioning controlled by the user. |
VisualizationImageServerDemo | Demonstrates VisualizationImageServer. |
WorldMapGraphDemo | Shows a graph overlaid on a world map image. |
Sample applications created using JUNG, largely focused on visualization. Current features demonstrated in the samples include: