Package edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization

Frameworks and mechanisms for visualizing JUNG graphs using Swing/AWT.


Interface Summary
VisualizationModel<V,E> Interface for the state holding model of the VisualizationViewer.
VisualizationServer.Paintable an interface for the preRender and postRender
VisualizationViewer.GraphMouse a convenience type to represent a class that processes all types of mouse events for the graph

Class Summary
BasicTransformer A basic implementation of the MultiLayerTransformer interface that provides two Layers: VIEW and LAYOUT.
BasicVisualizationServer<V,E> A class that maintains many of the details necessary for creating visualizations of graphs.
DefaultVisualizationModel<V,E> The model containing state values for visualizations of graphs.
FourPassImageShaper Provides factory methods that, given a BufferedImage, an Image, or the fileName of an image, will return a java.awt.Shape that is the contiguous traced outline of the opaque part of the image.
GraphZoomScrollPane GraphZoomScrollPane is a Container for the Graph's VisualizationViewer and includes custom horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
LayeredIcon An icon that is made up of a collection of Icons.
PivotingImageShaper Provides factory methods that, given a BufferedImage, an Image, or the fileName of an image, will return a java.awt.Shape that is the contiguous traced outline of the opaque part of the image.
VisualizationImageServer<V,E> A class that could be used on the server side of a thin-client application.
VisualizationViewer<V,E> Adds mouse behaviors and tooltips to the graph visualization base class

Enum Summary

Package edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization Description

Frameworks and mechanisms for visualizing JUNG graphs using Swing/AWT.

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