Class FourPassImageShaper

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.FourPassImageShaper

public class FourPassImageShaper
extends Object

Provides factory methods that, given a BufferedImage, an Image, or the fileName of an image, will return a java.awt.Shape that is the contiguous traced outline of the opaque part of the image. This could be used to define an image for use in a Vertex, where the shape used for picking and edge-arrow placement follows the opaque part of an image that has a transparent background. The methods try to detect lines in order to minimize points in the path

Tom Nelson

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static Shape getShape(BufferedImage image)
static Shape getShape(BufferedImage image, int max)
          Given an image, possibly with a transparent background, return the Shape of the opaque part of the image If the image is larger than max in either direction, scale the image down to max-by-max, do the trace (on fewer points) then scale the resulting shape back up to the size of the original image.
static Shape getShape(Image image)
          Given an image, possibly with a transparent background, return the Shape of the opaque part of the image
static Shape getShape(Image image, int max)
static Shape getShape(String fileName)
          given the fileName of an image, possibly with a transparent background, return the Shape of the opaque part of the image
static Shape getShape(String fileName, int max)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FourPassImageShaper()
Method Detail


public static Shape getShape(String fileName)
given the fileName of an image, possibly with a transparent background, return the Shape of the opaque part of the image

fileName - name of the image, loaded from the classpath
the Shape


public static Shape getShape(String fileName,
                             int max)


public static Shape getShape(Image image)
Given an image, possibly with a transparent background, return the Shape of the opaque part of the image

image -
the Shape


public static Shape getShape(Image image,
                             int max)


public static Shape getShape(BufferedImage image,
                             int max)
Given an image, possibly with a transparent background, return the Shape of the opaque part of the image If the image is larger than max in either direction, scale the image down to max-by-max, do the trace (on fewer points) then scale the resulting shape back up to the size of the original image.

image - the image to trace
max - used to restrict number of points in the resulting shape
the Shape


public static Shape getShape(BufferedImage image)

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