Uses of Interface

Packages that use GraphMousePlugin
edu.uci.ics.jung.samples Sample applications created using JUNG, largely focused on visualization. 
edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.annotations Classes which support creating visual annotations for graphs. 
edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control Mechanisms for manipulating and controlling a graph visualization, largely in terms of mouse plugins. 

Uses of GraphMousePlugin in edu.uci.ics.jung.samples

Classes in edu.uci.ics.jung.samples that implement GraphMousePlugin
protected  class PluggableRendererDemo.PopupGraphMousePlugin
          a GraphMousePlugin that offers popup menu support

Uses of GraphMousePlugin in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.annotations

Classes in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.annotations that implement GraphMousePlugin
 class AnnotatingGraphMousePlugin<V,E>
          AnnotatingGraphMousePlugin can create Shape and Text annotations in a layer of the graph visualization.

Uses of GraphMousePlugin in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control

Classes in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control that implement GraphMousePlugin
 class AbstractGraphMousePlugin
          a base class for GraphMousePlugin instances.
 class AbstractPopupGraphMousePlugin
 class AnimatedPickingGraphMousePlugin<V,E>
          AnimatedPickingGraphMousePlugin supports the picking of one Graph Vertex.
 class EditingGraphMousePlugin<V,E>
          A plugin that can create vertices, undirected edges, and directed edges using mouse gestures.
 class EditingPopupGraphMousePlugin<V,E>
          a plugin that uses popup menus to create vertices, undirected edges, and directed edges.
 class LabelEditingGraphMousePlugin<V,E>
 class LensMagnificationGraphMousePlugin
          HyperbolicMagnificationGraphMousePlugin changes the magnification within the Hyperbolic projection of the HyperbolicTransformer.
 class LensTranslatingGraphMousePlugin
          Extends TranslatingGraphMousePlugin and adds the capability to drag and resize the viewing lens in the graph view.
 class PickingGraphMousePlugin<V,E>
          PickingGraphMousePlugin supports the picking of graph elements with the mouse.
 class RotatingGraphMousePlugin
          RotatingGraphMouse provides the abiity to rotate the graph using the mouse.
 class SatelliteAnimatedPickingGraphMousePlugin<V,E>
          A version of the AnimatedPickingGraphMousePlugin that is for the SatelliteVisualizationViewer.
 class SatelliteRotatingGraphMousePlugin
          Mouse events in the SatelliteView that match the modifiers will cause the Main view to rotate
 class SatelliteScalingGraphMousePlugin
          Overrides ScalingGraphMousePlugin so that mouse events in the satellite view will cause scaling in the main view
 class SatelliteShearingGraphMousePlugin
          Overrides ShearingGraphMousePlugin so that mouse events in the satellite view cause shearing of the main view
 class SatelliteTranslatingGraphMousePlugin
          Overrides TranslatingGraphMousePlugin so that mouse events in the satellite view cause translating of the main view
 class ScalingGraphMousePlugin
          ScalingGraphMouse applies a scaling transformation to the graph layout.
 class ShearingGraphMousePlugin
          ShearingGraphMousePlugin allows the user to drag with the mouse to shear the transform either in the horizontal or vertical direction.
 class TranslatingGraphMousePlugin
          TranslatingGraphMousePlugin uses a MouseButtonOne press and drag gesture to translate the graph display in the x and y direction.
 class ViewTranslatingGraphMousePlugin
          ViewTranslatingGraphMousePlugin uses a MouseButtonOne press and drag gesture to translate the graph display in the x and y direction by changing the AffineTransform applied to the Graphics2D.

Fields in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control declared as GraphMousePlugin
protected  GraphMousePlugin AbstractModalGraphMouse.animatedPickingPlugin
protected  GraphMousePlugin AbstractModalGraphMouse.pickingPlugin
protected  GraphMousePlugin AbstractModalGraphMouse.rotatingPlugin
protected  GraphMousePlugin AbstractModalGraphMouse.scalingPlugin
protected  GraphMousePlugin AbstractModalGraphMouse.shearingPlugin
protected  GraphMousePlugin AbstractModalGraphMouse.translatingPlugin

Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.control with parameters of type GraphMousePlugin
 void PluggableGraphMouse.add(GraphMousePlugin plugin)
 void PluggableGraphMouse.remove(GraphMousePlugin plugin)

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