Class EdgeShape<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.decorators.EdgeShape<V,E>
Type Parameters:
Edge -

public class EdgeShape<V,E>
extends Object

An interface for decorators that return a Shape for a specified edge. All edge shapes must be defined so that their endpoints are at (0,0) and (1,0). They will be scaled, rotated and translated into position by the PluggableRenderer.

Tom Nelson

Nested Class Summary
static class EdgeShape.BentLine<V,E>
          An edge shape that renders as a bent-line between the vertex endpoints.
static class EdgeShape.Box<V,E>
          An edge shape that renders as a loop with its nadir at the center of the vertex.
static class EdgeShape.CubicCurve<V,E>
          An edge shape that renders as a CubicCurve between vertex endpoints.
static interface EdgeShape.IndexedRendering<V,E>
static class EdgeShape.Line<V,E>
          An edge shape that renders as a straight line between the vertex endpoints.
static class EdgeShape.Loop<V,E>
          An edge shape that renders as a loop with its nadir at the center of the vertex.
static class EdgeShape.Orthogonal<V,E>
          An edge shape that renders as a bent-line between the vertex endpoints.
static class EdgeShape.QuadCurve<V,E>
          An edge shape that renders as a QuadCurve between vertex endpoints.
static class EdgeShape.SimpleLoop<V,E>
          An edge shape that renders as a loop with its nadir at the center of the vertex.
static class EdgeShape.Wedge<V,E>
          An edge shape that renders as an isosceles triangle whose apex is at the destination vertex for directed edges, and as a "bowtie" shape for undirected edges.
Field Summary
protected static EdgeShape.Box box
protected static EdgeShape.Loop loop
          a convenience instance for other edge shapes to use for self-loop edges where parallel instances will not overlay each other.
protected static EdgeShape.SimpleLoop simpleLoop
          a convenience instance for other edge shapes to use for self-loop edges where parallel instances overlay each other
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static EdgeShape.Loop loop
a convenience instance for other edge shapes to use for self-loop edges where parallel instances will not overlay each other.


protected static EdgeShape.SimpleLoop simpleLoop
a convenience instance for other edge shapes to use for self-loop edges where parallel instances overlay each other


protected static EdgeShape.Box box
Constructor Detail


public EdgeShape()

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