Package edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.jai

Interface Summary
PerspectiveTransformSupport basic API for implementing perspective transform support

Class Summary
AbstractPerspectiveTransformSupport<V,E> A class to make it easy to add a perspective projection examining lens to a jung graph application.
AbstractPerspectiveTransformSupport.Lens the background for the perspective projection
HyperbolicImageLensSupport<V,E> A class to make it easy to add a Hyperbolic projection examining lens to a jung graph application.
PerspectiveImageLensSupport<V,E> A class to make it easy to add a Perspective projection to a jung graph application.
PerspectiveLayoutTransformSupport<V,E> A class to make it easy to add a Perspective projection to a jung graph application.
PerspectiveShapeTransformer PerspectiveShapeTransformer extends PerspectiveTransformer and adds implementations for methods in ShapeTransformer.
PerspectiveTransformer PerspectiveTransformer wraps a MutableAffineTransformer and modifies the transform and inverseTransform methods so that they create a perspective projection of the graph points.
PerspectiveViewTransformSupport<V,E> Creates a PerspectiveShapeTransformer to use in the view transform.
TransformingImageVertexIconRenderer<V,E> a subclass to apply a TransformingGraphics to certain operations

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