Interface ShapeFlatnessTransformer

All Superinterfaces:
BidirectionalTransformer, ShapeTransformer
All Known Implementing Classes:
HyperbolicShapeTransformer, MagnifyShapeTransformer

public interface ShapeFlatnessTransformer
extends ShapeTransformer

Provides methods to map points from one coordinate system to another: graph to screen and screen to graph. The flatness parameter is used to break a curved shape into smaller segments in order to perform a more detailed transformation.

Tom Nelson

Method Summary
 Shape transform(Shape shape, float flatness)
          map a shape from graph coordinate system to the screen coordinate system
Methods inherited from interface edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.transform.shape.ShapeTransformer
inverseTransform, transform
Methods inherited from interface edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.transform.BidirectionalTransformer
inverseTransform, transform

Method Detail


Shape transform(Shape shape,
                float flatness)
map a shape from graph coordinate system to the screen coordinate system

shape -
flatness - used to break the supplied shape into segments
a GeneralPath (Shape) representing the screen points of the shape

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