Package edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.transform.shape

Visualization mechanisms related to transformation of graph element shapes.


Interface Summary
ShapeFlatnessTransformer Provides methods to map points from one coordinate system to another: graph to screen and screen to graph.
ShapeTransformer Provides methods to map points from one coordinate system to another: graph to screen and screen to graph.

Class Summary
Graphics2DWrapper a complete wrapping of Graphics2D, useful as a base class.
GraphicsDecorator an extendion of Graphics2DWrapper that adds enhanced methods for drawing icons and components
HyperbolicShapeTransformer HyperbolicShapeTransformer extends HyperbolicTransformer and adds implementations for methods in ShapeFlatnessTransformer.
MagnifyIconGraphics Subclassed to apply a magnification transform to an icon.
MagnifyImageLensSupport<V,E> Changes various visualization settings to activate or deactivate an examining lens for a jung graph application.
MagnifyShapeTransformer MagnifyShapeTransformer extends MagnifyTransformer and adds implementations for methods in ShapeTransformer.
TransformingFlatnessGraphics subclassed to pass certain operations thru the transformer before the base class method is applied This is useful when you want to apply non-affine transformations to the Graphics2D used to draw elements of the graph.
TransformingGraphics subclassed to pass certain operations thru the transformer before the base class method is applied This is useful when you want to apply non-affine transformations to the Graphics2D used to draw elements of the graph.
ViewLensSupport<V,E> Uses a LensTransformer to use in the view transform.

Package edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.transform.shape Description

Visualization mechanisms related to transformation of graph element shapes.

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