Class StructuralHoles<V,E>

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.metrics.StructuralHoles<V,E>

public class StructuralHoles<V,E>
extends Object

Calculates some of the measures from Burt's text "Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition".


Based on code donated by Jasper Voskuilen and Diederik van Liere of the Department of Information and Decision Sciences at Erasmus University.

Joshua O'Madadhain, Jasper Voskuilen, Tom Nelson - converted to jung2
See Also:
"Ronald Burt, Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition"

Field Summary
protected   edge_weight
protected  Graph<V,E> g
Constructor Summary
StructuralHoles(Graph<V,E> graph,  nev)
          Creates a StructuralHoles instance based on the edge weights specified by nev.
Method Summary
 double aggregateConstraint(V v)
          The aggregate constraint on v.
 double constraint(V v)
          Burt's constraint measure (equation 2.4, page 55 of Burt, 1992).
 double effectiveSize(V v)
          Burt's measure of the effective size of a vertex's network.
 double efficiency(V v)
          Returns the effective size of v divided by the number of alters in v's network.
 double hierarchy(V v)
          Calculates the hierarchy value for a given vertex.
 double localConstraint(V v1, V v2)
          Returns the local constraint on v from a lack of primary holes around its neighbor v2.
protected  double maxScaledMutualEdgeWeight(V v1, V v2)
          The marginal strength of v1's relation with contact vertex2.
protected  double mutualWeight(V v1, V v2)
          Returns the weight of the edge from v1 to v2 plus the weight of the edge from v2 to v1; if either edge does not exist, it is treated as an edge with weight 0.
protected  double normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(V v1, V v2)
          Returns the proportion of v1's network time and energy invested in the relationship with v2.
protected  double organizationalMeasure(Graph<V,E> g, V v)
          A measure of the organization of individuals within the subgraph centered on v.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected  edge_weight


protected Graph<V,E> g
Constructor Detail


public StructuralHoles(Graph<V,E> graph,
Creates a StructuralHoles instance based on the edge weights specified by nev.

Method Detail


public double effectiveSize(V v)
Burt's measure of the effective size of a vertex's network. Essentially, the number of neighbors minus the average degree of those in v's neighbor set, not counting ties to v. Formally:
 effectiveSize(v) = - (sum_{u in N(v)} sum_{w in N(u), w !=u,v} p(v,w)*m(u,w))

See Also:
normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(Object, Object), maxScaledMutualEdgeWeight(Object, Object)


public double efficiency(V v)
Returns the effective size of v divided by the number of alters in v's network. (In other words, effectiveSize(v) / If == 0, returns 0.


public double constraint(V v)
Burt's constraint measure (equation 2.4, page 55 of Burt, 1992). Essentially a measure of the extent to which v is invested in people who are invested in other of v's alters (neighbors). The "constraint" is characterized by a lack of primary holes around each neighbor. Formally:
 constraint(v) = sum_{w in MP(v), w != v} localConstraint(v,w)
where MP(v) is the subset of v's neighbors that are both predecessors and successors of v.

See Also:
localConstraint(Object, Object)


public double hierarchy(V v)
Calculates the hierarchy value for a given vertex. Returns NaN when v's degree is 0, and 1 when v's degree is 1. Formally:
 hierarchy(v) = (sum_{v in N(v), w != v} s(v,w) * log(s(v,w))}) / ( * Math.log( 

See Also:
localConstraint(Object, Object), aggregateConstraint(Object)


public double localConstraint(V v1,
                              V v2)
Returns the local constraint on v from a lack of primary holes around its neighbor v2. Based on Burt's equation 2.4. Formally:
 localConstraint(v1, v2) = ( p(v1,v2) + ( sum_{w in N(v)} p(v1,w) * p(w, v2) ) )^2

See Also:
normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(Object, Object)


public double aggregateConstraint(V v)
The aggregate constraint on v. Based on Burt's equation 2.7. Formally:
 aggregateConstraint(v) = sum_{w in N(v)} localConstraint(v,w) * O(w)


protected double organizationalMeasure(Graph<V,E> g,
                                       V v)
A measure of the organization of individuals within the subgraph centered on v. Burt's text suggests that this is in some sense a measure of how "replaceable" v is by some other element of this subgraph. Should be a number in the closed interval [0,1].

This implementation returns 1. Users may wish to override this method in order to define their own behavior.


protected double normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(V v1,
                                            V v2)
Returns the proportion of v1's network time and energy invested in the relationship with v2. Formally:
 normalizedMutualEdgeWeight(a,b) = mutual_weight(a,b) / (sum_c mutual_weight(a,c))
Returns 0 if either numerator or denominator = 0, or if v1 == v2.

See Also:
mutualWeight(Object, Object)


protected double mutualWeight(V v1,
                              V v2)
Returns the weight of the edge from v1 to v2 plus the weight of the edge from v2 to v1; if either edge does not exist, it is treated as an edge with weight 0. Undirected edges are treated as two antiparallel directed edges (that is, if there is one undirected edge with weight w connecting v1 to v2, the value returned is 2w). Ignores parallel edges; if there are any such, one is chosen at random. Throws NullPointerException if either edge is present but not assigned a weight by the constructor-specified NumberEdgeValue.


protected double maxScaledMutualEdgeWeight(V v1,
                                           V v2)
The marginal strength of v1's relation with contact vertex2. Formally:
 normalized_mutual_weight = mutual_weight(a,b) / (max_c mutual_weight(a,c))
Returns 0 if either numerator or denominator is 0, or if v1 == v2.

See Also:
mutualWeight(Object, Object)

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