Class TriadicCensus

  extended by edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.metrics.TriadicCensus

public class TriadicCensus
extends Object

TriadicCensus is a standard social network tool that counts, for each of the different possible configurations of three vertices, the number of times that that configuration occurs in the given graph. This may then be compared to the set of expected counts for this particular graph or to an expected sample. This is often used in p* modeling.

To use this class,

 long[] triad_counts = TriadicCensus(dg);
where dg is a DirectedGraph. ith element of the array (for i in [1,16]) is the number of occurrences of the corresponding triad type. (The 0th element is not meaningful; this array is effectively 1-based.) To get the name of the ith triad (e.g. "003"), look at the global constant array c.TRIAD_NAMES[i]

Triads are named as (number of pairs that are mutually tied) (number of pairs that are one-way tied) (number of non-tied pairs) in the triple. Since there are be only three pairs, there is a finite set of these possible triads.

In fact, there are exactly 16, conventionally sorted by the number of realized edges in the triad:

Number Configuration Notes
1003The empty triad
4021D"Down": the directed edges point away
5021U"Up": the directed edges meet
6021C"Circle": one in, one out
7111D"Down": 021D but one edge is mutual
8111U"Up": 021U but one edge is mutual
9030T"Transitive": two point to the same vertex
10030C"Circle": A->B->C->A
12120D"Down": 021D but the third edge is mutual
13120U"Up": 021U but the third edge is mutual
14120C"Circle": 021C but the third edge is mutual
16300The complete

This implementation takes O( m ), m is the number of edges in the graph.
It is based on A subquadratic triad census algorithm for large sparse networks with small maximum degree Vladimir Batagelj and Andrej Mrvar, University of Ljubljana Published in Social Networks.

Danyel Fisher, Tom Nelson - converted to jung2

Field Summary
protected static int[] codeToType
          For debugging purposes, this is copied straight out of the paper which means that they refer to triad types 1-16.
static int MAX_TRIADS
static String[] TRIAD_NAMES
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
<V,E> long[]
getCounts(DirectedGraph<V,E> g)
          Returns an array whose ith element (for i in [1,16]) is the number of occurrences of the corresponding triad type in g.
protected static
<V,E> boolean
link(Graph<V,E> g, V a, V b)
protected static
<V,E> boolean
shouldCount(Graph<V,E> g, List<V> id, V u, V v, V w)
          Make sure we have a canonical ordering: Returns true if u < w, or v < w < u and v doesn't link to w
<V,E> int
triCode(Graph<V,E> g, V u, V v, V w)
          This is the core of the technique in the paper.
static int triType(int triCode)
          Simply returns the triCode.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String[] TRIAD_NAMES


public static final int MAX_TRIADS


protected static final int[] codeToType
For debugging purposes, this is copied straight out of the paper which means that they refer to triad types 1-16.

Constructor Detail


public TriadicCensus()
Method Detail


public static <V,E> long[] getCounts(DirectedGraph<V,E> g)
Returns an array whose ith element (for i in [1,16]) is the number of occurrences of the corresponding triad type in g. (The 0th element is not meaningful; this array is effectively 1-based.)

g -


public static <V,E> int triCode(Graph<V,E> g,
                                V u,
                                V v,
                                V w)
This is the core of the technique in the paper. Returns an int from 0 to 65 based on: WU -> 32 UW -> 16 WV -> 8 VW -> 4 UV -> 2 VU -> 1


protected static <V,E> boolean link(Graph<V,E> g,
                                    V a,
                                    V b)


public static int triType(int triCode)
Simply returns the triCode.

triCode -
the string code associated with the numeric type


protected static <V,E> boolean shouldCount(Graph<V,E> g,
                                           List<V> id,
                                           V u,
                                           V v,
                                           V w)
Make sure we have a canonical ordering: Returns true if u < w, or v < w < u and v doesn't link to w

id -
u -
v -
w -
true if u < w, or if v < w < u and v doesn't link to w; false otherwise

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