Uses of Class

Packages that use Pair
edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.blockmodel Support for establishing and maintaining graph element equivalence (such as in blockmodeling). 
edu.uci.ics.jung.graph Interfaces for the JUNG graph types, and some representative implementations. 

Uses of Pair in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.blockmodel

Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.blockmodel that return types with arguments of type Pair
protected  Set<Pair<V>> StructurallyEquivalent.getEquivalentPairs(Graph<V,?> g)
          For each vertex pair v, v1 in G, checks whether v and v1 are fully equivalent: meaning that they connect to the exact same vertices.

Uses of Pair in edu.uci.ics.jung.graph

Fields in edu.uci.ics.jung.graph with type parameters of type Pair
protected  Map<E,Pair<V>> SparseGraph.directed_edges
protected  Map<E,Pair<V>> OrderedKAryTree.edge_vpairs
protected  Map<E,Pair<V>> DirectedSparseGraph.edges
protected  Map<E,Pair<V>> DirectedSparseMultigraph.edges
protected  Map<E,Pair<V>> SparseMultigraph.edges
protected  Map<E,Pair<V>> UndirectedSparseGraph.edges
protected  Map<E,Pair<V>> UndirectedSparseMultigraph.edges
protected  Map<E,Pair<V>> SparseGraph.undirected_edges
protected  Map<V,Pair<Map<V,E>>> DirectedSparseGraph.vertices
protected  Map<V,Pair<Set<E>>> DirectedSparseMultigraph.vertices
protected  Map<V,Pair<Set<E>>> SparseMultigraph.vertices

Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.graph that return Pair
 Pair<V> Graph.getEndpoints(E edge)
          Returns the endpoints of edge as a Pair.
 Pair<V> GraphDecorator.getEndpoints(E edge)
 Pair<V> DirectedSparseGraph.getEndpoints(E edge)
 Pair<V> DirectedSparseMultigraph.getEndpoints(E edge)
 Pair<V> OrderedKAryTree.getEndpoints(E edge)
 Pair<V> SparseGraph.getEndpoints(E edge)
 Pair<V> SparseMultigraph.getEndpoints(E edge)
 Pair<V> UndirectedSparseGraph.getEndpoints(E edge)
 Pair<V> UndirectedSparseMultigraph.getEndpoints(E edge)
protected  Pair<V> AbstractGraph.getValidatedEndpoints(E edge, Pair<? extends V> endpoints)

Methods in edu.uci.ics.jung.graph with parameters of type Pair
 boolean AbstractGraph.addEdge(E edge, Pair<? extends V> endpoints)
          Adds edge to this graph with the specified endpoints, with the default edge type.
abstract  boolean AbstractGraph.addEdge(E edge, Pair<? extends V> endpoints, EdgeType edgeType)
          Adds edge to this graph with the specified endpoints and EdgeType.
 boolean DirectedSparseGraph.addEdge(E edge, Pair<? extends V> endpoints, EdgeType edgeType)
 boolean DirectedSparseMultigraph.addEdge(E edge, Pair<? extends V> endpoints, EdgeType edgeType)
 boolean OrderedKAryTree.addEdge(E edge, Pair<? extends V> endpoints, EdgeType edgeType)
 boolean SparseGraph.addEdge(E edge, Pair<? extends V> endpoints, EdgeType edgeType)
 boolean SparseMultigraph.addEdge(E edge, Pair<? extends V> endpoints, EdgeType edgeType)
 boolean UndirectedSparseGraph.addEdge(E edge, Pair<? extends V> endpoints, EdgeType edgeType)
 boolean UndirectedSparseMultigraph.addEdge(E edge, Pair<? extends V> endpoints, EdgeType edge_type)
protected  Pair<V> AbstractGraph.getValidatedEndpoints(E edge, Pair<? extends V> endpoints)

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